Seasonal Variations in TN Episodes

Just wanted to share my experience with temperature and humidity changes and their affect on my TN. I've been suffering with TN pain for almost 13 years. I live in South Carolina, United States. The last five years I've noticed that my pain episodes have shown a dramatic increase in frequency and intensity during the cold months, generally November through March. During these months there is also a significant drop in relative humidity. I've treated my TN with medication (carbamazepine, gabapentin, methadone and a few others) from the start and have tried nerve blocks and Botox to no avail. My neurologist and I have settled on carbamazepine as my primary treatment with gabapentin as a supplement, as needed. I take both (with an increase in carbamezepine) during severe cold season outbreaks. This treatment works in general but some of the cold season episodes are so severe and long lasting, including the one I'm presently experiencing, that I am reconsidering some of the more invasive solutions. Just wanted to share my experience with temperature and humidity changes and their affect on my TN.

cold weather kills my face and the rain and wind , even after my Mvd !

Cold weather definately bothers my face, I am always trying to hold my scarf up across my face, or wear a face mask. Not fond of either option.

I underwent cyber knife last spring and was able to decrease my meds from 4 oxycarbamazeprines twice a day to 1.5 twice a day. Heaven. Not taking all that medication is great. The cold still hurts my face though and I am wondering if this is an end to my cyberknife relief, or just a temporary glich. Does your face feel better when things warm up or does it just progress? Makes a winter stay in Phoenix look better and better.

Thanks and prayers for a good recovery!

My TN definitely improves in warm, humid weather - I live in the Southeast U.S. This winter has been one of my worst. I've been having bad episodes every 2-3 hours, lasting anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes. It's horrible, and upping my medications sometimes does not help at all. If this continues I'll seriously consider the gamma knife or invasive surgery.
How was your recovery and overall pain relief with the gamma knife?

Winegal said:

Cold weather definately bothers my face, I am always trying to hold my scarf up across my face, or wear a face mask. Not fond of either option.

I underwent cyber knife last spring and was able to decrease my meds from 4 oxycarbamazeprines twice a day to 1.5 twice a day. Heaven. Not taking all that medication is great. The cold still hurts my face though and I am wondering if this is an end to my cyberknife relief, or just a temporary glich. Does your face feel better when things warm up or does it just progress? Makes a winter stay in Phoenix look better and better.

Thanks and prayers for a good recovery!