Saw the dentist

I have my second appointment with the neurosurgeon on January 14 so I went to see my dentist a couple of days ago to ease my mind. He checked everything over. Aside from needing a filling everything is fine. I was especially concerned with bruxism because I know it also causes face pain and in the same area as my tn pain as well. If I had pain from bruxism I wouldn’t know it separately from tn pain. So this concern was alleviated. That helps me a bit in making my decision regarding an mvd. That being said I have also been pretty much pain free for a few weeks now. I’m taking 800mg tegratol and 450mg lyrica but not a lot of breakthrough pain unless I miss a dose which has happened twice in the last week. I suppose that’s a drawback of being pain free, I get cocky with the meds or feel that I’m a bit free but I’m not. I’m still shackled to three doses a day. My dentist said that my facial muscles are tense and I should learn to relax. Made me chuckle a bit. I’m used to pain creeping up suddenly so I guess I tense my face muscles in anticipation. So how do I learn to relax. Maybe I need valium or Something. Anyway merry Christmas all. Enjoy the holidays.

I too have been get cocky with my meds but going to eat usually reminds me that I am late for a dose as the roof of my mouth and gums start getting twinges. Good luck with you MVD decision!