First Nuero Visit Over!

I almost feel guilty at how easy my journey has started with medical professionals so far. I saw Dr. Joubert at Capital Neurology in Olympia, Wa. He said he has no doubt that it is TN and has order an MRI and MRA to make sure there’s nothing causing it that can be seen. I was already taking max dose of Baclofen from my family doctor and the starting dose of Lyrica. So Dr. J increased the Lyrica and said if I started having side effects then he has other meds that we could try. Also said if it looks like there’s going to need to be something surgical he knows an excellent neurosurgeon at Swedish Hospital in Seattle. He was very receptive and listened. I felt his goal was to get me as pain free as he could. I guess my biggest question would be are there any things I should ask for to have on hand especially during those times nothing normal helps. My worse “attack” was 6 days and 6 nights straight with no sleep in constant tooth pain. The only thing that would make it stop was ICE ICE ICE cold water. I was starting to get scared I was going to suffer water poisoning. Thank you all for the advice you give to myself and so many others. This is a very humbling journey with TN.

I'm so happy you had a good first visit! Mine last week was the same. I was so worried after I'd read other people's accounts of their neuro visits here. How lucky are you that you can drink ice water! My upper teeth are so sensitive that even room temperature hurts.

That was that week the next week I couldn’t have anything colder then room temp. Now I can seem to tolerate as long as not too cold it too hot. Try to keep stuff on the right side to be safe. Never know when it’ll change again, ughhhh.

Ask them to call in for you, any doctor, call in Lidocaine Mouthwash, face cream, Face patches for breakthrough pain : )

I have had a sinus infection and head cold

yes complete with the nasty usual headaches etc tied in with the TN. What a painful time..

You are so write about the room temperatures..I set a mist way on the far side of the bedroom. Kept my bedroom and connecting bathroom doors closed so to mist both rooms. Lowered the house temps to 65. Wore flannel pjs all week. Drank soup out of a cup which allowed me to drink more fluids of all After a mild warm shower I did not dry off, just patted excess water then lotioned all over. It helped to hydrate my body. So many otc meds I cant take due to the severiey of Sjogrens issues etc. I did need to go on an antibiotic however and that five days did the trick

It sure was not fun...! I stay away from any shopping and activities...I am so scared to catch any bug this time of year..

Oh I did open the bedroom windows on a chilly day and let the outside in...The sheets were changed and even if its in my seems to feel like I was in control and doing better...

We need to do all we can do and pray its enough, right...Gee that would be a great name for a book...Doing all we can do and hope its enough.

Stay well.

Oh goodness. Sending love. U r right this is a humbling condition. It teaches me daily. This is what I am thankful for and what I keep as my focus on when life is hard. It has taught me to slow down. It has taught me not to wish for more but use what I have now. Its focused my soul more acutely than any other life experience so far. I no even if it never leaves me I am enough and growing, being a good teacher, mum and human and its been sent for me to keep me trying at these things in my life. Bit deep sorry! Didn’t mean it to be! Its just how I feel having spent so long trying to make sense of my life and make peace with this awful pain. With love. X