Saw neurosurgeon today at the VA

He said he wants a newer MRI before he operates and that either himself Dr Mandame or Dr Garcia would do the surgery. Said Dr. Garcia usually does these. I was afraid the VA would just turn me away and say they dont do them. I still do not know what it will cost, aparently that is a secret!

Well get that MRI and then get the surgery. Don't worry about cost. Worry about that later. You will find a way. Praying for you!

That sounds promising!
Hold onto hope!
((hugs)) Mimi

i know, I am so psyched. Over 20 years I have been waiting for this!

Can you find out how many TN patients he has operated on before - should be easy to ask. If he's done less than 20 of them I wouldn't even do it for free. Ask also how many successful outcomes -- they should be proud - not offended. MUST gather all your info and advocate for yourself -

Large percentage of time MRI shows nothing -- many, many doctors only use them to rule out brain tumor and MS

Keep us posted!

Sorry, was pretty drugged when I wrote that- He has done over a hundred of them. KC

Yeahhhh that's a good number!!!!!

sister said:

Sorry, was pretty drugged when I wrote that- He has done over a hundred of them. KC

Ya it is also good that my adult daughter goes with me to these appointments in case I fall into a drug induced stupor LOL