Another Gamma Knife Consult

Good Afternoon friends;

Just thought I'd update you. Last Neurosurgeon I saw in Midland was hesitant to proceed with GK saying I would virtually be a guinea pig. Wanted me to get another opinion. I wrote some letters to Dr.s you have here listed and found one who said she could help me. So I go for that consult involving MRI's and CAT scans that need to be updated anyway. I don't know whether or not I'll go any further than that if she gives me the thumbs up. Quite nervous. Anyway, that's my update. Got all my ducks in a row just in case. Would take any prayers and such if you're so inclined.

Hopes this finds you all as well as can be expected, better even :)

Be back in touch soon. PeacnLove Always~Laurel

I have Type 2/ atypical and was recently sent by my Neuro to a Neurosurgeon just in case there was a surgical treatment available that she was not aware of. I have exhausted quite a few meds and seem to be running out of prescription options and because my TN is Atypical and on both sides I am not a candidate for an MVD. The Neurosurgeon looked at all my MRIs and history and examined me and talked to me about the glycol injection, the radio frequency (?), and the gamma knife. She said that I, like most atypical TN patients are NOT candidates for those procedures because in all likelihood they would do more harm than good and the potential for WORSENING my TN was great. She said all of the procedures damage the nerve and either the treatment itself or the nerves process of trying to heal or regenerate itself usually leave the ATN patient much worse off than when they were prior to any treatment. This confirms what I have learned from hours and hours of reading on my own. I think we, as TN pain sufferers, are so very vulnerable because we want DESPERATELY for there to be a treatment for this nasty condition.