Returning to work

Hi Everyone,

I was wondering how long after your MVD did you return to work? I'm single and can probably take about 6 weeks off, but is that enough time? I'm meeting with neurosurgeon in August. I realize everyone's recovery is different, but wondering if there is an average out there amoung all of you??



I don't work outside the home, but I was pretty much able to get back to life at 4 weeks and completely back to pre-tn normal by 7 weeks. HTH!

Hi Mary,

One thing to consider is the type of work you do. I had MVD April 19th and planned to go back in 4 weeks. However, I ended up having a CSF leak and had a second surgery 12 days after the first (they went into the same incision). I was feeling great about 10 days after the first surgery but I ended up having to take off about 7 weeks after the second surgery. The fatigue was the worst part for me. I sit at a desk all day but it's a high stress job (mortgage loan officer at a bank). And even after the 7 weeks, I could only work about 5 hours for the first week. Next week will be my second full week back, hopefully I can make full days. I have MVD back in 09 and returned to work in 4 weeks, no problems. Good luck!!!

Thanks Tammy & Tina!

I'm a social worker and drive to home visits. My hope was to return in 4 weeks and take 2-3 weeks of desk duty or half days to get my energy back up. I'm so glad to hear that people can go back to work within 4 weeks. Thanks so much for sharing!

Hi Mary

It may be different in the states but I would check with your insurance and with your surgeon

I was not allowed to drive for 10 weeks.

I went back to work much earler but Did not get behind the wheel for 10 weeks post op. I would check this thoughly. If you have an accident you may be liable

Hi Simon,

Thanks, I didn't even think about that. I'm starting a list of questions for the surgeon and that will be one of them!


My MVD worked so well that, though I was scheduled to be off for 8 weeks, I was able to go back after 6. Then...the other shoe dropped at 10 weeks & it stopped working & it was right back where it started. My doctor says this is not the norm so don't worry about it for yourself. Just be aware that it can happen.

I just had my 2nd & p,an @2 weeks. With the holiday am stretching a little longer but might not be able to do full days the 1st week or drive. My dr says its 2-6 . 6 is to be totally back to your full routine & activity. Everyone does heal differently & you will know but dont push it too fast.

Hi Mary,

I went back at 6 weeks. First week back I did half days, then the following week I did full days. Had my Dr write that both these weeks I was "desk duty" only. I'm a social worker so we are usually in and out of the office all day. I was full duty the 3rd week back and felt fine. I was tired but I knew I needed to get my stamina up! Regarding driving, I don't remember him saying anything about driving other than I couldn't if I was on pain medication. I was off them after a week so I started doing short trips (couple blocks) to the store.

Good luck,


I took off a month even though my surgeon said I could return to work as early as 2 weeks. I am glad I didn't go back after two weeks - definitely not ready by then. I think it depends on the type of job you have as well - I happen to be in an office. Clearly you can't be on narcotics when you return to work. Good luck.


Hi Mary
I was off work for six weeks. My neurosurgeon wanted me to start back part time but I insisted on full time. I was extremely tired the first two weeks at work. Still it was good to get back to living normal.
Good luck on your MVD. You will be thankfull you had the surgery.

May I ask what all you of do? I’m am a Retail Store Manager and work about 45 hr week on my feet, lifting, talking and walking all day on a concrete floor. I just want to make sure I have enough time to recover…