Pregnant and scared

Because of my pregnancy my drs took me off of all medications except tyleol with codeine i am in so much pain all day every day i am worried about putting stress on my body and the baby. the drs have no other solutions to help me and i need it. ive read about acupuncture but i cant afford it. is there anyone who has been through this or who knows someone who has please help me.

I can't comment on pregnancy and TN but I wanted to let you know that there is a pregnancy and TN group you could look for under the "Groups" heading. Hope you can find some answers there.

Yes I know I posted there also but I wanted to reach as many ppl as possible

oh I am so sorry to hear this-- is there any chance you could drive to John's Hopkins in Baltimore?? They are not far from you and they have a TN clinic! Or at least call them and see if anyone will talk with you about options.

I am sure there is something that could help!!

here is the link to their website--

good luck!!

Thanks I’ll look into it

how are you doing?? better I hope!!

Thanks :slight_smile: I am still experiencing alot of the deep boring type ache but I’m pushing through. I am going to go to the Penn state Hershey pain management therapy. Well see how things go there. I’ll let u know when I start. How are u today?