
I just found out I was pregnant on Thursday. I have not been on any meds for 3 months because they all quit working for me so I have a meeting with a neurosurgeon to talk about a MVD in 2 weeks (I have been waiting on this for 3 months) Now that I’m prego I know I can’t have the surgery but the pain has gotten unbearable these past two days. I feel like I’m dying! Have not been able to brush my teeth in TWO days, eat, sleep or even drink water to take my prenatal vitamins! I’m so scared! Any ideas on what to do?

First off, I’m sorry for what you are going thru. How far along are you? What melds were you taking and when were you diagnosed?
I was diagnosed last August and have been in pain ever since. Some days much more excoriating than the other. We found out we were expecting in Dec and unfortunately, I miscarried last week.
I would speak with your Dr.s to find a course of treatment. I had to wit all medications co.d turkey. Since Dec have been in tons of pain but am working with my Dr on pain management.

Keep me posted. You’ll be in my prayers! You are not alone :slight_smile:

Oh no I’m so sorry to hear that! That’s heartbreaking and scary! :frowning:

We go to the doctor this Tuesday to find out! I am excited but nervous. Do you think you TN had anything to do with it? Sometimes my shocks are so bad I freak out and hyperventilate. It scares me bc I know that can’t be good for baby.

I have been on everything :frowning: -

Carbamazepine (tegretal)
Gabapentin 600mg
Nortriptyline (pamelor)
IC nortriptyline (aventyl)

And nothing is working. It did for two years and them BAM the day I moved from AL to Cape Cod it came back. I just went home on vacation an for the week I was there I only had 6 shocks compared to the 100 I get a day in MA so it has me thinking its something with the elevation because the second we landed I was on the plane screaming crying! I know it may seem silly but I’m thinking of anything and everything now!

Thank you so much for your reply! I hate just laying here in bed all day everyday :(( I want to be normal again - I’m only 25! You are in my prayers as well! Hopefully we will find some relief soon!

I am 25 as well and diagnosed with TN at 15 weeks pregnant. I have not begun any medications yet because although the pain is extremely severe and constant, I still have a hard time agreeing that the risk outweighs pain… I am continuing an appointment with a second neurologist, trying the use of a topic cream approved by my midwives, and continuing work with my trusted chiropractor while looking into acupuncture. I would love to keep connected with you through our journeys as I can understand the immense amount of stress this disorder places on someone growing a baby!!! Please let me know if you’ve moved forward in your situation and how things are working… I would love to commit to doing the same…

I am going through the same thing right now I am so sorry you have to go through it as well . I only have 3 more months to go with the pain but to deal with it seams like forever. I am on Lyrica which is a class c drug so wont harm the baby but it only takes a little of the edge off the pain it is still pretty unbearable. closer to my due date I am going to see the neurosurgeon to talk about surgery after I have doctor said Lyrica are the only pills you can take while pregnant, but I have an appointment with the neurolagist on the 26th so maby they will have something input on something else i can do that my dr does not know about since this isnt his specialty. I am sorry I can not really help but if I find anything I will let you know and hope you will do the same. Good luck

Have you ladies experienced relief after having the baby