Anyone know anything about TN and being pregnant?

I wondered if anyone knew if you could take anything while being pregnant with TN i have a consultant appointment next month but being new to having TN and having your 1st child both put together is scarey..

If anyone is pregnant or had children while having TN and found different ways to cope and things that help please could you comment on this because it would be a great help .

I havent had it as bad as i usually would because ive had so much on my mind i think i have side tracked it a little bit but when it comes my god it has been hitting with a vengance and the other day when i got it i couldnt even open my mouth i literally sat holding my face for hours and it stopped me sleeping .

I have no idea what sets it off and how it goes but it would be nice to know people who have or are going through the same thing as me that it would put my mind at rest , well help me relax a little.

I cant take any medication until i have seen my consultant so i have been tablet free for 3 months which you can imagine has been very hard especially when your in a lot of pain...

so anyone out there with any tips or ideas please come forward !!

Much appreciated

Thank youuuu !!

Congrats first smithy-lou on your pregnancy!!! It will be the best thing you ever do in your life and going through this pain will be soooo worth it when you meet your little bub.

I went through my first pregnancy with undiagnosed TN from 5 months and those 4 months were long and consisted of numerous doctor visits asking whats wrong. I found that my TN was worse post birth (adding sleep depreviation and hormone changes). And was unrelentious until a year ago. Now have been relatively painfree until my last pregnancy (lost at 9 weeks) to which I started getting attacks from 6-7 weeks. Pain has settled now again.

My neurologist said that I could take gabapentin from the 2nd trimester to help with the pain but most of the other neuro-pain meds you cant take while pregnant. it will be up to you and your neurologist and obstetrician to weigh up the pros and cons on the health of you and your bub.

I have become painfree from fortnightly visits to a osteopath who does craniosacral work - (not all osteopaths do this). I have also gone to a naturapath to help balance my body from the inside and promote mylation of the nerves.

While I was in a pain period - take it easy with stress, swimming (for some reason helped) and try to eat healthy.

It is important to find a great doctor who is understanding and also have a read of striking back which goes through all the ins and outs of TN. Also finding a support group is fantastic as there is people out there who know exactly what you are going through - which I found that helps a lot and lifts some weight off your shoulders.

All the best for the future and keep us informed on your blog and in the pregnancy and tn area. x

Thank you lisa !!

Glad to know there are others out there that go through the same thing as me , sorry to hear about you losing your pregnancy at 9 weeks very sad !!

Im going to try the swimming technqiue cos i love to swim , see if that helps ...

I just grin n bear the pain so the consultant wont probably put me on anything ..

I will keep u updated thanks for posting on here !! xxx