Hi ladies,
It’s been almost two years since I posted that original message, and am surprised to see some of the latest replies. I figured it was lost in the archives. Thought I would provide an update!
About a year and half ago (July '09), I decided to go off drugs completely. It was a hard decision, because I was really scared of dealing with the pain and trying to lead a “normal” life. It was rough at first, but I think the issues were more about weening myself off of Lyrica, and letting go. I decided to start seeing an accupuncturist, and with regular appointments (at first once or twice a week – now down to monthly) I started to feel like I could at least channel the pain. Those appts combined with a consistent yoga practice have made a big difference. Now granted, that’s not going to work for everyone, but I was committed to getting off meds and trying real hard to get pregnant. I still have my bad days, but they are maybe a few times a month. Some times I go for weeks without really paying attention to the pain. When I feel it coming on, I let those around me know I need to “check out” for a few hours, and find a quiet place I can meditate or just lie still. My boss has been really good about letting me use the mother’s nursing room to sit in the dark.
I check in with my neuro every few months, and have had a few MRI’s in the last year, but the nerve inflamation had visibly subsided and he was no longer advocating surgery, which was going to be my next move if getting off the meds wasn’t working.
After his last diagnosis (back in January '10) my husband and I started seeing a fertility specialist, and by March, with the help of IVF, we were pregnant! I am now due Dec 11, 2010 and have not had a bout of pain in months. …someone once wrote in to this or another posting about how the body does some amazing things to protect you during pregnancy…and I thought…“whatever!” but I have to say I really believe it now. I am still seeing my accupuncturist monthly, and I have been going to pre-natal yoga this whole time, and I plan to keep it up. I know that a newborn will be very stressful, but I’m hoping I can handle it. If my body reverts and I start having real consistent pain again, I know I did the best I could to get to this point, will cut myself some slack, go back to the Lyrica and stop breastfeeding. And when and if I’m ready, I’ll try my holistic treatment again…
I wish everyone could have the same success that I’ve had, but it’s all about trying to determine what is the best for you, and what you are willing to manage, and perhaps looking for alternatives. I’m not pain free, but it’s gotten to a point where I acknowledge it, I schedule an appt as soon as I can, and wait until it passes. And it usually does.
Just trying to take one day at a time…