I am so excited for now! I think it has crept back away for a while and I am able to touch my face/lips and have had a nice shower where I could wash my hair/face and clean my teeth like a “normal” person
I am so happy! Whenever it subsides from the shocking electric pains into the deep, bone marrow aching stabbing like pains, it is usually thereafter that it disappears for a while again.
I can’t understand it or explain why it does what it does, I am only too happy to be able to clean up and have a meal and hopefully, sleep well tonight and try talking tomorrow
Let’s hope it stays gone for(ever… please…) a while at least
I ate dinner and while it twinges badly in my cheek/jawbone, it’s not the lightning/shock pains that make it impossible to even open my mouth. I doubt this is the last of it for now, but I’ll take whatever I can get and just enjoy the freedom without this monkey on my back
Thank you Ro, I hope it goes away and stays away too!
That’s good to hear.
I enjoyed our chat (while it lasted!) last night. That’s the great thing about the chatroom. You can chat away without having to actually talk.
I really hope you get a good long remission.
The connection times out for me, what can I say
I’m definitely not trying to compromise the site in any way by providing a link to a support group on another webpage. Unfortunately it is on Facebook, but there was never any harm intended by posting this.
I think that’s wonderful! It is such a relief when the pain subsides! I had 3 really good bouts of pain last night! It’s not fun!
I hope you had a good nights sleep and hope the pain stays away forever!
Hoping for pain free days!
Great to hear Smurfette and I totally agree - take the good whenever and wherever it shows itself! It can be such a huge pleasure for us with face pain to just enjoy things most people take for granted such as a nice hot shower, eating food and getting a good nights sleep! It’s simply amazing how great these things feel to someone who’s prevented from experiencing them much of the time!
I really hope your remission from the worst of the pain lasts you a great long while - my longest remission I ever had, I got almost a year! Though that was a long time ago now :-). So, I really hope the same happens to you also my friend! Best Wishes for an ongoing pain free time!
Nothing like taking the little things for granted. I love nothing more than just being outside under blue sky. Enjoy those meals, and shampoo your hair in the a frothy rage! tee hee hee.
Elisa, I hope after a bad night you are having a better day. It’s almost worst when it strikes at night because it disturbs your sleep and catches you unawares. And it can keep you up hours when all you need is some rest and relief
I know what you both mean - I got that shampoo going like crazy! It felt so good to be able to touch anywhere on my head and not worry about it! If only every day was like this for everyone It’s sad that you never know when it is going to strike again, I have almost had 8/9 months almost free I think. I am going to work out what brings it on, and I am going to find out how to stop it!
Ro - I definitely was not just sitting there in the chat, I was talking to Kerry and Jo when it sadly started to time out. It’s a connectivity thing on my ISP side - my connection is bad . It’s not to do with the site