Hi everyone,
Exactly one week until I have to undergo MVD. Mixed feelings!
My neurosurgeon saw two blood vessels pressing against my trigeminal nerve, which was a relief after many years of being wrongly diagnosed.
When he suggested brain surgery, I didn’t hesitate one bit.
Now I’m still convinced I have made the right decision, but the reality of the whole thing is starting to dawn on me…
I am well prepared: I have bought lots of useful stuff, such as a headband, a travel pillow, lip balm, new socks, slippers, undies, mini toiletries, magazines, laxative, etc. Not sure whether I’m mentally prepared to undergo surgery again though.
(I had my thyroid taken out in March of this year.)
I especially hate the bit where they put the mask on your face and you feel as if you are being suffocated, right before going under. I am having nightmares about that part.
I have also done all the things you are NOT supposed to do when preparing for MVD: I watched several YouTube videos on the procedure and I read various research articles (as a PhD candidate I have unlimited access to a University library database) on topics such as ‘risks in cranioplasty with autograft vs. titanium plate/mesh’ or ‘early recurrence of TN in cases with veinous compressions’, which is what I have…
The fact that all of my family (parents, sisters, uncles, aunts, etc.) live in Belgium does not help much either. My poor husband is stressed out already after supporting me through many years of occasional flare-ups and several months of severe suffering. My four children are tired of seeing their mum cry out in pain and deserve better… I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I so need this MVD, even though it totally freaks me out!
Anyway, I will have to find a way to stay ZEN.
I guess focussing on the fact that my surgeon is an expert might be helpful, as well as the fact that the procedure has an 80% success rate?
Any tips or suggestions, both practical or emotional, are more than welcome!
I will keep you posted on the outcome, if interested.
Thanks for reading this!