Hi Everyone,
I went to the Cleveland Clinic yesterday to see the neurosurgeon. He recommends that I have the MVD. It is scheduled for May 7th. He said because I cannot tolerate the medication but need the medication to stop the pain and because of the MRI showing a compression I am a candidate for surgery. I have mixed feelings - kind of relieved that there may be an answer in sight, but also very scared and nervous.
Hi Jamie!
I am 5 weeks out from my MVD surgery. I am so glad I had it done! The TN pain seems to be all gone. I do have recovery pain, though and overdid it yesterday. If you would like to read about my MVD experience, I blogged about it (when I got home) on my blog: http://www.melodyejoy.wordpress.com/
I hope things work out for you!
So glad to hear you have made a decision to have the MVD surgery. I had it 11 months ago and feel great. This was my first surgery, so I didn’t know what to expect. I am so glad I had it done. I wish you the best of luck and hope your pain will be gone.
I’m so glad you feel better. What was the recovery like for you?
Hi Jamie, I am so glad things went okay at the doc. the MDV surgery is a go huh? It would be great if your pain is revealed with the surgery. Please keep us up-to-date on how it goes! I will pray everything goes well for you
Oh, and yes, my teeth and mouth on the left side, they always hurt. I can’t eat there hardly ever. Yet on good days, its tolerable and I get to eat on that side with soft foods. Not sure if my teeth feel out of alignment but they sure feel like the jaw area around them is numb and swollen feeling (even though it looks normal). My family is getting used to eating mushy soft foods after 2 years of it! But if I am creative, the foods I make aren’t too bad at all
Yes, the MVD is a go…I hope it works!!! I was wondering if anyone else out there would tell me about their recovery. Melodye, your’s sounded long and hard. I hope we all can have a pain-free day.
Good news Jamie,
I know you are excited about the surgery. And with a compression showing, then I know you even feel better about it. My MRI didn’t show compression so I was so concerned that the surgeon wouldn’t find anything and I would still be in bad pain.
Not too long to wait. It is natural to be scared. I had surgery about 3 weeks after seeing the surgeon. I was scared the first week but I found total peace in my decision about two weeks before. I was hurting so badly and I felt like there wasn’t anything else I could do.
Thanks Liz,
Was your recovery hard? How long was it until you felt good? Any tips? I’m SOOOOO glad you feel better! Thank God.
Jamie, quite honestly, it was nothing compared to the pain I experienced with my TN. If I hadn’t had a reaction to the anesthetic, I think my first two weeks would have been a whole lot better I am still so glad I had the procedure done… my recovery pain is, well… a pain, but I’m working through it. I started Pilates again and next week hope to use my elliptical for the first time since the surgery.
Hi Jamie looks like you and I will be having surgery about the same time. My surgery is on May 3. You are atleast fortunate that your MRI showed a compression so you should feel more confident about having the MVD. There is no doubt the surgery is worth it to relieve your pain (and mine). In my MRI there was no compression showing so I can only pray that when they get in there they will find one. I have tried all the medications and the side affects are terrible, I have pretty much slept the last 6 months, cant remember anything(my husband is having to proofread this .lol), and on fentanyl for the pain. Heres hoping we can both celebrate a great outcome from our surgeries. Best of luck and I will keep you in my prayers.
I will pray for you Vicki…and all of us who are suffering. I am scared like you - afraid of “brain surgery” and afraid it won’t fix the problem. But from what everyone else says it is the thing to do and it will help us. It’s hard to believe we have this…hard to accept.
I had MVD about a year and a half ago on the left side and couldn’t be more happy that I had it done. I’ve had 14 surgeries, of differing kinds, and this one was actually one of the easier ones to recover from. I was told by my surgeon that my case was one of the worst he had seen. The compression was by three veins and an artery. I now have TN on the right side and surgery is my only option because I am highly allergic to all meds used to treat TN. I don’t have a surgery date yet because I am recovering from another surgery I just had, not related to TN. My opinion is, that since there are surgeries out there to alliviate the pain, why suffer with the pain and take toxic meds for years. Although it is “brain surgery”, with all the technolgy today it is relatively safe. It may seem silly, but one of the worst parts for me was waiting for my hair to grow back. It took about 8 months before I was able to get the new growth into a ponytail. You’ll be fine and you’ll be so happy when all is said and done. You’ll wonder why you waited so long. I did have a few tiny attacks for about 2 weeks following surgery, but nothing since. Of course until now with TN on my right side. Make sure you have everything in order before surgery… House cleaned, frig full, dinners premade and frozen, laundry down, bedding fresh and so on. You’ll want a stress free enviroment when you get home. You won’t be doing laundry or dishes or cleaning for a while, since bending over is out of the question. I wish you the best and stay strong. You be a new person.
Thanks for all the information Cynthia. I’m so glad you are doing well, but sorry you have TN on the other side now. I get little pains in my ear on the other side sometimes and get scared that it is going to be on the side too. Your message was very encouraging and helped me not to be so nervous. BTW, how long is it until you can bend over? Does it put pressure on your head and hurt if you bend? How long until you can exercise again? I haven’t been able to for months because I don’t feel well. I can’t wait to power walk and run again. Take care and God bless.