Magic mouthwash

i ask dr today about a litocaine mouthwash i saw posted, and i was prescribed it, its magic mouthwash, contains litcaine, benadryl and some other stuff, u rinse ans swish 2 teaspoons and spit, suppossed numb mouth teeth gums and nerves. anyone ever try this?im gonna try tonite.

Interesting! Hope it helps x

I have never heard of that before, sounds magic hehe.

I cant imagine it numbing nerves tho unless injected deep into the flesh, just the outer gums maybe..sort of like those sprays people can use when they have a sore throat? let us know how you get along x

Hi…I am a pediatric nurse and use magic mouthwash for the kids that have gotten chemotherapy. Some of them get very bad, bleeding and irritation of the lining of their mouths. I can’t imagine this would help. It looks horrible painful!! I use lidocaine nasal spray to help with TN pain in my nose. I have squirted some in my mouth and swished it helped for a few minutes!!

I was skeptical of the lidocane patches/cream - but quickly became a believer!

How did it go?

how did it go?

Thanks for that. I had not heard of the mouthwash? I wonder if they have it in Australia? I will find out next Dr.s visit.

I'm wondering if this would help me. I have numbness and sore gums since MVD. Can hardly chew. Lips are swollen. What kind of Dr. perscribed it?

Yes, I have but it didn't do much for me. I hope it helps you.

Hello, my TN goes in stages…it starts like I have an ear infection and feverish to full-blown electric shocks in my temple to staggered right sided face pain…and then the final stage, mouth ulcers!! (Sorry to be gross). I’m not on meds but plan to buy this tomorrow! For now, I’m drinking my Merlot reading all of these posts to ease this annoying pain!

They gave that to me in the hospital but they would not give me a scrip for it, Idk why. So I made my own with the benadryl and mylanta, and oregel, first I swish the oregel<sp then spit, then the mixture. I keep it in the fridge to keep it nice and cool.

I just got prescribed litocaine creme? My doctor wanted to try it, she said she usually gives the patches. This creme really worked for you?

Kc Dancer Kc said:

I was skeptical of the lidocane patches/cream - but quickly became a believer!

How did it go?

sorry all, i thought i replied to this already and i dont see it anywhere!! anyway, i used the mouthwash and yes it numbed my gumbs for a few minutes and that was it. My md prescribed it for me. Also the box it came in says that it must be discarded after one month. Dont think i will be asked for it again-no magic in there for me....

The patches worked longer and stronger for me - cream was just if I wanted to leave the house without looking abused!

SufferingJen said:

I just got prescribed litocaine creme? My doctor wanted to try it, she said she usually gives the patches. This creme really worked for you?

Kc Dancer Kc said:

I was skeptical of the lidocane patches/cream - but quickly became a believer!

How did it go?

Seems I have inflamed taste buds, Took over 3 years to discover. It started after my attacks got worse and went to the dentist, must be in one of my old posts. I'm glad it works for you.

Do, I need a prescription go this? I wish I had it now.

What about the patches? Are they clear or do they look like bandaids?

What about eating & drinking after the mouth wash? Can you? Can you still taste?

hi,,i just got prescribed it today for AD,and TN as i cant open my mouth to clean teeth,eat ect as the shock pains stop this,,i got it from the pain management dr,,going to have to put it in through a straw and tilt my head to the side,,praying it works,,i will let you no how it goes x

Patches not clear.