Looking for a neurosurgeon in Atlanta

I'm a new comer here and I guess am one of the rare few (judging by the forums I've read through) who have been diagnosed upon my first TN attack and so far only have pain in the lower part of my face. I've gotten in with an absolutely wonderful neurologist - Dr. David Cohen in Roswell - who has been all you could ask for in a doctor. After an unsuccessful round of Trileptal with wicked side effects, he agrees with my desire to take a very aggressive approach since I am "young" (43) to have TN and more importantly have 2 young children who need a functional mom. My goal is to try and get this as "resolved" as is possible - I'm leaning towards MVD - rather than spending months or years playing pharmaceutical guinea pig as my condition degenerates.

Does anyone have any neurosurgeons they would recommend in the Atlanta area? I've scrutinized Emory's website but don't really see anyone who "specializes" in TN. An expert at John's Hopkins has said a skilled MVD surgeon should be performing a minimum of 5 MVD's a month. I'd rather not travel out of state but certainly will if necessary. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you....


Hi Deb
I live outside of Atlanta also. I did travel out of state for my MVDs, but I think Dr. Boulis at Emory does them. I have gone there to have my sutures removed, and the nurse practioner told me they do. Please message me if I can answer any questions.

I just remembered reading about Dr. Michael Stechison in Gwinnett. I have seen him in the Facial Pain Association magazine, advertising as. Doc who treats TN, and performs MVD.

Christine said:

Hi Deb
I live outside of Atlanta also. I did travel out of state for my MVDs, but I think Dr. Boulis at Emory does them. I have gone there to have my sutures removed, and the nurse practioner told me they do. Please message me if I can answer any questions.