I've tried meds and MVD. Anyone had succcess with any of the other treatments ? Gamma Knife, Rhizotomy (which doesn't excite me I must say) or the glycerol injections ? And if so, where? I am in Seattle.
NOH8, it's just a tic:)
The Evergreen State is gorgeous, haven't been there since 1974.
You have had this longer than I, though you have experienced fewer procedures.
Neurology is more involved than rocket science. bob
Huh ?? I hate (H8) Tic Douloureaux, which is TN. I don’t get your post.
I don't know how far you're willing to travel, but Dr. Kim Burchiel in Portland, Oregon is supposed to be a fantastic doctor. I've read really great things about him, and if I needed a neurosurgeon, I would at least have a consultation with him. I'm sure there are plenty of good doctors in Seattle, I just don't know any of the top of my head. I wish you the best of luck.
Suggest that you take a look at the treatments section of our Face Pain Info tab on the menu above. Likewise, tell us a bit more about the meds you have attempted. I would concur that Gamma Knife most likely would not be a wise procedure for you, and Glycerol Rhizotomy has a record of pain recurrence within a few months to perhaps as long as 3 years.
Regards, Red
well right now I am on 2400 to 2700 mg of Trileptal daily. I also take Lunsta because my trigger is on the back of my head and staying asleep is difficult.