My neuro has recently given me a referral to a new neurosurgeon. He is in Winston-Salem, NC. I go see him in May. I am excited and nervous at the same time. My neuro is to the point that he thinks there is nothing that can be done and just have to "learn to live with it". I can NOT accept that answer. I know that can't be true.
If you are in NC, I would also encourage a consultation with Dr. Fukushima in Raleigh. He operates at Duke/Raleigh and his office is near hospital. I had MVD by him 2 years ago and have been so much better. Got my life back. I had severe TN1. He found 3 compressions on my 3rd branch.
Dr. Tatter is my Dr. I like him. I have TN2. I have had 2 gamma knives. They have not been successful. I have pain constantly. Was yours successful? By the way I live in Lexington, NC. I do not know anyone here who has TN.
I had MVD by Dr. Tatter 6 weeks ago. Seems to have worked. He’s very compassionate and has a good team.
Before you go…if you have a say so…or second opinion…or can travel further
Get the BEST,!