Does anyone know of an outstanding TN Dr. @Duke?

I am in the early stages of looking for a TN Dr at Duke. I have an appointment with a Dr. At Duke but was wondering if anyone has a Dr. That they already use & love. I have a neurologists in Pinehurst, NC who recommended a Dr. At Winston Salem, nc. He recommended the gamma knife which I want a 2nd opinion due to the fact that I'm a healthy 42 yr. Old who has read having the gamma knife first will ruin my chances for a successful MVD. I have had an allergic reaction to tegretol after one month of being on it. I just had sinus surgery hoping this would relieve the pressure on my trigeminal nerve. Please help as I am only on 150 mg. Lyrica & lots of 10-325 Percocets.

Hi ! My two cents-- definitely get a second opinion! Each TN case is different. For the most part, a MVD in the right hands is our best option. I traveled from FL to MI, to Dr Ken Casey for my consult and MVD.

Finding a dr with extensive TN experience is paramount. There are several success stories here. I used a forum friend for a reference to my surgeon. Just ask questions, and find a doc that does this on a weekly basis. Good luck to you!!
Regards-- Tiffanie

Thank you for your advice & comment Tiffanie. I appreciate it!