Brother-in-law just diagnosed with TN

Does anyone know of a good neurologist in Phoenix? My brother-in-law is new to this and needs assistance in locating someone who can help. Thank you for all the wonderful information you share on this site.

Two good resources - under our Doctor's tab above is Barrow's Neurological Institute in Phoenix. Also check out TNA - The Facial Pain Association, they have a full directory of doctors who treat TN - go to:

I don't have personal experience with any of these recommendations, but trust the sites they are listed on. Hope this is helpful. Hopefully someone living in the area will chime in with their personal experiences.

Has he read "Striking Back" with Dr. Ken Casey?

Does he know about topical meds?

Does he have TN1 or ATN?

He's lucky to have you in his corner!

Thank you so much, Gail. I hope you are feeling well.


Gail C said:

Two good resources - under our Doctor's tab above is Barrow's Neurological Institute in Phoenix. Also check out TNA - The Facial Pain Association, they have a full directory of doctors who treat TN - go to:

I don't have personal experience with any of these recommendations, but trust the sites they are listed on. Hope this is helpful. Hopefully someone living in the area will chime in with their personal experiences.

Thanks, Kc. I've passed that info on.


Kc Dancer Kc said:

Has he read "Striking Back" with Dr. Ken Casey?

Does he know about topical meds?

Does he have TN1 or ATN?

He's lucky to have you in his corner!