Doctor recommendations..?

Hi everyone. I can not find any doctors, neurologists, neurosurgeons, psychiatrists, etc. in my local area that can help me... they tried but I don't seem to be responding to or am able to tolerate the medications. I am literally being told by all the local doctors I have gone to: "I have no idea how to help you". I am willing to travel, I need my life back... has anyone seen a doctor who is familiar with TN that has truly helped them? I am looking for recommendations! Thank you!!!

oops-- spelling correction *physiatrist (pain management) not psychiatrist... stupid auto correct!

Call the 800 number for the facial pain they are super nice and can send u a.list of doctors that deal with TN and other facial pain

1800-■■■■■■■■ facial pain association here u go

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

where do you live ? - OH and this condition makes you feeeeel like you need a psychiatrist !!!

I live in PA... and yes, you are absolutely right, some days I do feel that way!

Hi, I saw this name on another discussion and he was the only doctor that she could find to help...dr john tews office in ohio. I also LOVE my neurosurgeon Dr. Richard Rhiew (Southwest General Middleburg Heights, OH) 440.816.2860.

I really hope you find help soon.

Thank you!

Are you going to Jefferson by any chance? I have heard real good things about them, was going to look into a neurologist there for my long term care, but I cant stand going into the city and found one closer to home. I cant find anyone in Delaware who even has the slightest clue about TN so I have to go out of state for care.
