Does anyone one know of a good neurologist in the Philadelphia or Delaware areas. My Wife has been suffering for some time now with a severe case of Trigeminal Neuralgia. They started her on a regiment of gabapentin and baclofen moderate dose. They was not working so they recommended to have the cybernife procedure done. Had that done by Dr. Lee @ Penn Med (Great Dr and Office). She had received no relief from the cybernife so a few months later they did a MVD surgery. She had been in so much pain that we had to go to the hospital to get pain meds she was getting approx. 200 shocks a day. The MVD surgery lasted for a few months and then the shocks started to come back. In the mean time we switched neurologists to CNMRI in Dover DE. They changed around her meds at one point she was on 3600 mg of gabapentin. They then recommended going back to see Dr. Lee to see what he could do. Because my wife had side effects from both the cybernife and MVD surgeries he recommended a topical cream. Well needless to say that did not work. We went back and forth between neurologist and neurosurgeon. They stopped the gabapentin and put her on lyirica that did not work at all. Dr. Lee recommended doing a glisten rhizotomy. Well guess what that as well did not work.
I was finally able to get an appointment with Dr. Brown in NY. I know a lot of people on this site love him but I would not recommend him at all. There office had us drive 200 miles to get there and we didn't even get to meet with the Dr. all his office did was tell my wife and I that Dr. Brown did not feel she was a surgical candidate. I mean like really you had all her records you could not tell me that before I drove all the way up there, and for us not even to be able to meet with the Dr was really the icing on the cake.
We had gone back to Dr. Lee and he recommended shaving down the nerve but there are a lot of complications with that.
So we are just looking for a Dr. that can help.