I need support and help

I’ve been in bed the whole day ,getting pain and shocks every 2 seconds does anyone have any remedies on cooling down the nerves,I’m just very scared its going to hook and Leeds to s big attack plz I need some advice…

Ice packs help me. I do multiples of wash cloths dampen with water and freeze them in freezer bags and always hav one available. I use it on my face and lips for about 20 to 30 minutes, by then the wash cloth is no longer frozen. Then I put another in the freezer. My lips and face burn like acid, I get the spasms quite often. THis takes the edge off for me. I hope this helps you. Try not to be upset and cry, that only makes it worse for me. I hope you feel better. God bless you.

I definitely agree on the crying thing. Makes my pain worse. Plus try meditation and relaxation. I hope you are feeling better Zahirra. Take care. Min

Can't stand the ice packs, makes mine worse. I use a warm rice bag one the side of the face, seems to help until the percocet kicks in.

So sorry to hear you are in so much pain. I'm hoping that by now it has calmed down. I use a warm rice bag on my face and wait for the pain medicine to kick in to take the edge off. I found that cold makes my face swell and makes it worse. The dentist told me ice for muscles and warm for nerve pain. I can't say that I've had a pain free day since the root canal 2/7.

Oh no!! Unlike Kathy's comment below — an ice pack helps me when I'm dying in pain. Warmth makes me swell and my pain 100x worse. It's so weird how different each of are. Even thinking of putting a warm back on my face right now it making me sick to think of.

It is amazing how different we are with the same illness. I was icing my facing thinking it would help the swelling and all it did was make it swell more and more. By the time I went to the dentist I was a swollen mess. I hadn't thought of heat to make the swelling go away and I thought the dentist was crazy but I tried it and it worked. I have no doubt that ice works for some and not others but the dentist was adamant heat for nerves. My neurologist wasn't so convinced. I guess it really is trial and error for each of us. All I know is I'm in so much pain today that nothing is working. Yesterday I increased the Tegretol to 200 mg 3 times/day. Still hurt and really dopey. The hubby doesn't believe that I'm really this dopey but I feel like I haven't got a brain cell left. All I can do is cry but that hurts more.

Hi! Taking something to make me go to sleep helps me. It’s odd that while I’m sleeping I feel no pain. You are not alone in dealing with this horrific disorder. I pray you get better really soon.