I'll take "crazy" please

The last past two days have been so wracked with severe pain, I have been unable to concentrate or sleep. At one point, I couldn't even finish a sentence I was saying because talking just hurt my mouth that bad. I feel like my face is a rubber gum band, ready to snap at any moment. Now add tons of pain to it. Yesterday was the worst- I thought I was going to go delusional or mad from all the pain. At one point, I stood in the bathroom crying thinking "if this is my life..."

I took neurontin, vicodin yesterday. Neither one of those touched the pain. I resorted to putting ice on my face and gums and that barely touched the pain either. I put some biofreeze ( max freeze) underneath my lip and was finally able to fall asleep, not because the pain lessened, but because I think I just passed out from exhaustion around 3am.

I seen the oral surgeon yesterday. He says he does not believe that my nerve was cut, but was retracted on too far and that a "few" of them were bumped into. I also have occular nerve involvement and paralysis of the 7th nerve. The V2 and V3 of the trigeminal branch, mandibular, lingual and inferior nerves I just want to rip out and throw across the room. Im at a low point and just dont really know what to do for myself. The numbness is once again changing- going from that dead dead to waking up feeling is VERY painful. So when will the pain leave? Looks like in over a year ... so they say. Help to all of us because we are gonna need it.

This all has my mood way down. I can't take it anymore.

I don't know if this helps at all but.. I have decreased sensation in my 7th and 8th cranial nerves and this is pretty much due to ATN on it's own. When I went to the neurosurgeon for the first time he tested me with the pins and discovered that I had this. It was only after I had the GKRS procedure ( gamma knife) that I was able to notice it as the intense pain went away for three years. So I actually noticed the numbness. Now the pain is back and I don't notice the numbness anymore. Go figure...

Peace, Min

So sorry. Everyone who is non TN tells us things will get better. I'll just keep you in my prayers along with all the rest of us in this situation.