Need help

I am at the end of my rope! It hurts so bad and feel like doctors don't care. Need support and prayers. Just had a terrible day. Pain is unrelenting. Have laid on heating pad all day. Trigeminal block got me no where. Cyberknife a year and a half ago got me about 3 months of relief. Just feel like I have no where to go.

Sorry you have had this dreadful day. If good wishes could help you would feel so much better. Big hugs and I hope tomorrow will be a better day for you.

I am so sorry you're going through this, yaya. I'm sure all the cliches like "This too shall pass" and "God never gives us more than we can handle" will not help you one bit right now. Is there anything that gives you relief? Can you put a warm or cold compress on your face? Have you tried a muscle relaxant? What about a long hot bath? These are just a few things that help me and while they don't relieve the pain they do take the edge off. Keep reading here. Perhaps knowing that others are going through or have gone through similar bouts of pain may help in making you feel less alone.

It hurts. That is a fact. I too am having "one of those days" for the last two. Cool, not cold, works better for me than heat. Sometimes an ice pack on the back of my neck helps. Staying in a cool room. If heat works for you then try a warm bath, have some soothing tea...pamper yourself. I have upped my pain meds to double what I normally would take. Glad that my muscle relaxer makes me drowsy, sleep is the only thing that helps me at times like this. And without the sleep aid the pain would not let me find any relief. I pray that we both are soon past this. I just try to breathe and do like Karen said and do all the things that make you relax to help. As we all know, pain causes stress which normally is a trigger to increase the pain! I feel for you Yaya! Hugs and much empathy coming your way!

We are all here fighting with u!! Hang in there!!

Can you get an Rx of topical ketamine or lidocaine?

Are you ready to consider MVD?

Keep Posting!

Thank you so much for your sweet replies! It helps to know someone is going through the same thing although I hate it for you! What kind of pain meds are you on? so far doctors here are reluctant to Rx pain meds because they say it does not help TN1 but I think after all these years I have developed TN2 or an atypical TN1. I live in Gadsden, AL and I don't think docs here have seen many TN cases. I don't even know how to really ask for pain meds. I am so miserable! Sleep is my only comfort. Thank you for Hugs and empathy. I need them so.

I am so sorry to hear about your pain attack :( I hope some of the suggestions other members have given help you out!

Like someone else suggested, is MVD an option?

Take care, stay strong! :)

I take Tramadol, Lyrica, Percocet, and Zanaflex. Mine started as TN1 and over time TN2. They drugs do not take the pain away, but sometimes they take the edge off and let me sleep. I have slept 14hrs and my pain level decrease to a slightly more tolerable stage. I hope you are coping too. I am looking for a new neurologist. The last one and my last pain management dr both thought surgery wasn't an option for me. I would still look into it. It may not be a cure, but any amount of remission or reduction of pain would be worth it. Thanks for letting me know I am not alone in this....and I am sorry I not alone.....May you soon find relief.

The best advice I have is to ask your neurologist for a referral to pain management specialist. Bring your entire file history with you. What they can help you with is powerful pain control medication that other doctors are very reluctant to prescribe. I know what it feels like to face your worst pain without anything to get you through it. The pain mgt doc gave me meds for the times I can't handle the pain level. For other days, I can get through with the lesser meds. I would rather be sedated and have some relief from intense pain than try to be brave. I went from doc to doc until I found one who understands the devastation and damage of intolerable pain, and gave me the dignity of controling my own pain when I need to. Now that I have the stronger meds I've noticed that I panic less when I feel a flare-up coming, and I'm calmer knowing I have the security of pain relief that I didn't have before. I hope you can find a compassionate, humane doctor to help you. Fighting for yourself is so hard and exhausting, but keep trying. Lots of strength to you.