Im in so much pain that I cant talk sleep eat or smile its all day eveyday and I cant seem to get a break. My doctor has double my dose but it hasnt seemed to be working. I cant tell anyone else that a few times im been so close to take a load to pain killers just to make the pain stop. I just want the pain to stop and be able to sleep again :'(
Aw Hun it is so so hard I know I have no advice but would like to send a hug its horrendous
I wish there was a magic pill I could send to you as I know exactly what you are going through. The meds did little for me and at the end before surgery had no impact at all. I spent 30 days and nights awake in a lounge chair so I know how you feel. All I can say to you is hang in there and keep battling. Talk to your neurosurgeon about options to help eliminate or significantly reduce the pain. There are options other then the meds but make sure you talk to a high quality neurologist or neurosurgeon. Feel better.....................
Thank you both sarah and ed its nice to have people be supportive it means alot
sounds like you need to go to the Emergency room ASAP and get some strong pain meds! that might break this cycle of pain!!
Hi Doodles, thinking about what you are going through and sending healing thoughts, So sorry that you are feeling such intense pain. Here is a funny image for you... I am walking around the house with a large piece of duct tape on my face! I have a pain that is interior to the face when I eat, drink and talk. So I thought what if I put a large piece of duct tape over the section of my face were the pain is. Luckily the pain is just inside the muscles!!! My thought was maybe I could distract the nerve with a lot of sensations. I am not sure it is working but walking around the house with a big piece of tape makes me feel like my pain is legitimate. And I got a big laugh from my Husband. Yesterday I tried some Ibuprofen and it seemed to work-- today not so much. Keep creative and brave and know I am sending healing thoughts. Tina
I’m so sorry you are going through this. It’s not fair! There should be a cure for this! I want you to know I’m thinking about you and will pray for you. Try to hang in there.
Can you go to ER And get some pain med shot for sleep…and a prescription for Lidoderm face patches !!
and or lidocaine mouthwash to put the surface to slep!
There is on tab above what to take to print off for ER!
Babe, I am SO SORRY you are so young to have to deal with such A terrible disassemble.Your a strong young woman.You have been through enough already. This monster has no rhyme or reason. I just pray that your pain ends very soon.I hope they find a cure for this real soon.This may sound silly but it can't sound any sullied then the duct tape.( ha ha) I found that putting rice in a sock so it's kinds weighty and get pretty warm ( I ran across it reading here one night) I really did not think it would help but I was surprised, I am not sure how it helped but it made it at least it made it feel a little better or different or something. I know this thing is CRAZY! So I will pray for you, that your pain will ease.(HUGS. TO YOU)
PLEASE tell us you made thru the night and went to ER.?
Ive made it though the night and will try the er later if i can get there. Thanks to everyone thats commented
Doodles, being in a pain crisis warrants using what little energy you have left to arrange to get help. Call someone to take you to your local ER, grab a taxi, whatever you can do it’s so important you get help. Once there you need to stress that u have been in pain crisis, you have TN, give them a list of meds you take, write everything down if you can’t speak without incurring pain. I’ve heard that Dilantin has been used in hospital settings for TN pain crisis.
I hope you find relief today.
Thinking of you, Mimi
Mimi this is a great idea for Doodles. Also all of us TN suffers could be prepared with an emergency plan reviewing various scenarios while we are feeling a little more able. For example, having excess medications for emergencies like flood or winter storms. I know my insurance company likes to hold out for the last week before my medications need to be refilled but we just have to think of ways to stock up. This condition is JUST TOO PAINFUL to not have our medications on hand. Also like you said have an emergency plan with a friend or the phone number for a taxi. Have a write-up about TN that we can share. Maybe have multiple copies. Have a list of our current medication and doctor's phone number. Have our insurance information. Have a list of things that have worked and that have not worked for you. For example when I took hydrocodine it just made me feel disoriented. I am going to come up with my plan while I am feeling ok... since I know how bad I feel when it gets bad. Thanks Mimi. Here is wishing the best for you Doodles. Tina
I as well wish I had an answer for you. There was a time it got so bad I was worried sick, I called my neighbor over and she prayed with me and on me to ask Jesus to help me through it. She put my meds in pudding, applesauce, etc.anythig we could think of so I could get it down. I couldn't take it on my tongue. I ended taking 3 months leave of absence from my high end job just to get over that spell. I was a Zombie. If you are truly that bad, I agree go to the ER. Make them understand what you are going thru. Lots of healing love being sent your way.