Sorry I have not been around the last few days. The dang beepy pain has been breaking through myeducarion a lot lately. I hate this. The most stupid things set off pain. Today it was cooking, and the steam from the pan was awful. On top of that the temp around here went into the 80’s a few days ago. Holy cow! As the temperate went up so did my pain level. I hate being this sensitive to hot and cold. I can not stand either at this point. In a couple of days my lyrica dose will go up (I’m not too sure of what since I can read the doctors hand writing). I’m hoping this will help. I know it is better than it was when one doctor pulled me off of everything and started from scratch, bit still I can not handle my pain level when jumps from a 4 to a million plus to the forth degree. Should I bring this up to my pain managment doctor the next time I speak with his office in a few days? Should I wait a few days after I’ve upped the dosage of the lyrica to see if it simmers down? I’ve been rubbing baby orgel in sim spotsand it take the pain level down to an eighth of a degree, but there are some spots where orgel would not be reachable. My goal is to have the pain managed 90-95% of the time not 60 -70% of the time like it is right now. Sorry, but right now I just feel like Charlie brown when Lucy yanks the football away. This just seems like a ever losing battle right:(
You can get lidocaine patch - mouthwash - nose spray !!!!! all RX strength - have them call it in before your appt.!
You can get it from your GP or any doc you are working with
Keep posting!