Having mvd on june 18th

hi i went to the neurosurgen 2 days ago. he found a vesell compressing on my nerve on my mri. he said the best surgery would be the mvd. my surgery is on june 18th. i cant wait. i will keep you posted. michelle

Good Luck Michelle x

That's wonderful news!

good luck michelle hope you be pain free i say a prayer for you god bless x

Wow ! Surgery date so soon. Good for you.
Wishing you all the best Michelle.

Michelle I am so relieved and excited for you! I have been thinking about you every day and hoped that you could have the MVD surgery. I recently had an mri that showed a vessel compressing the nerve as well and will be having my MVD exactly a week to the day after yours on June 25th. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this. Hopefully this is a chapter of our lives that we can put behind us and start feeling better again.

I pray the best outcome for you. Please dear God let this urgery end Michelle's pain. Vonni

hi steph thanks for youir prayers. i wish you the best of luck to. i hope to that this a new chapter in our lives that we can put behind us. i will be praying for you. god bless.

Good luck with it, I have my mri and consulatation with my neurosurgeon on the 21st, then we will set surgery date for mvd if all goes well. Hope you have a quick recovery, keep us posted, I know you were at your wits end, happy for you!!, wendy

Good luck Michelle!! .... I went to a neurosurgeon yesterday- I had a terrible night, because he told me he would not do surgery because I am "too young"; it made me really angry- if medications and alternative treatment aren't working, what else is there- you know? Well, best wishes, and I hope you have a speedy recovery!

lauren i am so sorry that he will not do the surgery. i hope you find something that works for you. best of luck god bless

Good luck Michelle! I will keep you in my thoughts and pray for a speedy recovery.

Wow, that is fast. Wish you the best of luck Michelle!

Best wishes and blessings.

Good Luck! I just had my MVD on the 6th on june, I am home from the hospital. I had my surgery in Philly. I was lucky and woke up with no TN pain. I had One artery and two veins compressing the nerve. I did Have a rough first night from the surgery pain ( head aches, Horrible neck pain) I have paralysis on the left side of my head Dr doesnt know if it will stay or go away. So I cant feel anything on the side of my face. or tongue and left side of myh mouth which does make it hard eat. My balance and coordination are atill a little off and my sense of smell is very strong now which i did hear about being a side effect! lol

Good luck! If you have any questions let me know!

PS try and get a round do nut shaped pillow for your neck you dont want a pillow pushing your head forward! ALso, if anyone asks have them bring you MEALS its hard to stand let alone cook!

too young? I just had mine on WED. I was in ER because of the pain and they admitted me and called my neuro in an he did the surgery there 3 days later. Im 24 years old.
How old are you?
Lauren215 said:

Good luck Michelle!! .... I went to a neurosurgeon yesterday- I had a terrible night, because he told me he would not do surgery because I am "too young"; it made me really angry- if medications and alternative treatment aren't working, what else is there- you know? Well, best wishes, and I hope you have a speedy recovery!

hi katie, i am 48 years old. sorry you are having such a hard time. today the pain has been servere. i cant take it no more. i am getting really nervous about the surgery.

Lauren215 - did he see somthing in your MRI and still won't do the surgery ?

michelle - you know my heart is with you.. and you have to be the hero and come out of this story like a hero

I was nervous too! but I woke up for the first time in 4 years with out TN pain...I had surgical pain but its goin away day by day and if you can stand TN pain the surgery is nothing!!!!

Sore neck and headache and possibly lose of feeling. but no numb beats pain anyday!

Be sure you have someone to stay with you because your balance and coordination might be a littlw off-Nothing horrible!

Get some sofgt food to eat incase your mouth is numb when you wake up!

And believe me, if you have had TN pain you will be fine after surgery with that pain plus meds they will give you! I had get them to add a muscle relaxer to my meds bc he did so much diging in my muscles. The best way to desccribe the feeling is a very stiff neck.....a head ache and when you get up and down it can make your head throb a little. And for me numbness on the left from my neck up!

*The most comfortable position I could find was a round pillow putting my head in the middle not straining my neck muscles. and a pillow under each arm!

Where are you having the surgery?

Remember it is normal to be nervous before and they will medicate you before. I was so nervous I had the men working down in the OR teary eyed! and crying!)

Youre doing the right thing! You dont need gto live in constant pain and you deserve a life! And on the 18th you are going to get the gift of your life back!

You will be sore after the surgery but NOTHING like TN!

You can and will do it! and we all are praying for you!

hi katie, i am starting to get nervous. my doc said i would for sure have no pain. thank you so much for your encourgment. i am having dr babu do my surgery in new york. thanks michelle