Having mvd on june 18th

he saw a vesell compressing on the nerve. he will do the surgery.

Im in new york right now recoverying at my moms! I had mine in Philly where I live. Thats great he saw it! They couldnt see anything on mine before and when they went in found an artery and two veins around my nerve.

Im sure youre in great hands and you are in my family's prayers!

Wait till you wake up Michelle and have no pain! Its going to be great!

I promise you!

Katie- can you please tell more about your surgery ? didn't they see NOTHING on your MRI - and still opened you ? i WISH and pray i could have done that.

here no surgeon will do such an operation without seeing anything : (

what is the name of your surgeon.. how many days after you MVD are you ?

Good luck. Prayers for you Michelle!

You are in my prayers tomorrow! Hang in there!

Praying for a positive outcome.

All the very best, we want a pain free Michelle!

Thinking of you today and hoping you will be pain free!! ((hugs))


Hi Michelle! Hoping everything goes smoothly and you have a speedy recovery. My thoughts and prayers are with you today.

My prayers are with you today and sending positive thoughts and energy your way! I am hoping to hear a good report of your surgery and recovery. Good luck!

My fingers are crossed, knees are bent, searched out a 4 leaf clover, and did every other thing I could think of!
I’m SO hoping you have success.

Hope you update us soon!


Don’t just stop the meds cold turkey. I did that by mistake or ignorance & had terrible results! Do wean off of them. They called it rebound pain & was very painful. Hoped it worked! I didn’t think they could see the vessel on the MRI.
Good luck !

I hope everything went welll Michelle!

Please let me know how it went. I have appt on June 26 after suffering for 7 years.