Has anyone had dental implants after MVD?

I have an appointment with an oral surgeon to discuss having implants to replace the teeth I had pulled before I knew I had TN. I had a successful MVD about 8 weeks ago and am nervous about doing anything to restart the pain. My dentist said the implants are placed well away from the nerve, but I am still concerned. I have to do something because the teeth under my bridge have deteriorated. I am having a partial made to wear while I am going through the implant procedure, but I really want a permanent fix.

Has anyone had dental implants placed after an MVD? Good or bad experiences?

I had an implant before TN...... what I would do, to comfort myself and confirm with oral surgeon , is to go to google - click on images, then type in trigeminal neuralgia -- print one of those off -- and he can show you how he can work around the nerves....that's the only way I would feel safe.

Great advice. Thanks!

I would like to know this also, I need two different implants, one on the side of the surgery , the other on the opposite side. I am worried as well. Will follow this thread, hopefully you will get an answer, I am sure someone has had one.

Wendy "crashgirl"