Anyone with successful MVD....Got dentures okay later?

I know most with remission with MVD are not coming here any more, but i thought i would try. Going on 4+ years with no pain and no meds. Got recommendation for local dentist who knows about TN.

I HAVE to do this in April…tired of covering my mouth and my sickly gums making my immune system worse.

So its not an issue of whether to do it or not…have to…teeth are crumbling

But of course even though Dr. Casey said it shouldn’t be a problem… I thought i would ask here.

Anyone with successful MVD got dentures later…and it was okay… No TN recurrence?



Hi Kimberly . . . Also post successful MVD here (2+ years) with Dr. Casey. I just had a dental implant done on my TN side 4 days ago. A titanium post was put into my bottom jaw bone where my tooth was missing and included a bone graft. I can tell you for sure that my TN did not come back in any form. It sure did hurt on that side for about two days but unlike TN, ibuprofen relieved it well. The pain felt different too and far less intense. It was a muscle ache, a soreness, as opposed to shocks and the like. The discomfort is almost all gone at this point and I am healing well. I did worry a bit and even expressed this to my very talented dental surgeon but I knew in my head that having an implant wouldn't bring my TN back since that was an artery compression issue - not related at all. It's sometimes hard to separate the two though after what we've gone through but I can certainly understand your apprehension.

Oh…thanks sooooo much for coming to answer! It means the world to me!

I will get 8 teeth pulled on the top…have a crown already on the post from years ago. They will just wiggle that one off. And put a post for security on another area up top to balance my grinding issues.

On the bottom i think 9 will be pulled…and two implant posts to secure the bottom.

I know where to go if i need another MVD…someday he is going to have to retire though!

I’ve had the impressions done…waiting for tax money to seal the deal for mid April. It will be nice to not feel that i need to cover my mouth…and chew properly! Had no dental insurance for ten years…big shame on this country!

I would do it in march…but going on a beach trip to the

deep Bahamas for our 5th anniversary…dont want to have two week old dentures and be stuck in another country!

I have to talk for a living…lol

I will come back and give hope to others when all is done and i wake up with no TN!

Again, thanks so much for giving me more hope than i have had in a longgg time!


I did it! 1 month ago got all my bad teeth out and have dentures with NO re-occurrence with TN1 !

Fingers crossed

18K - uggg - but hopefully better immune system without bad teeth and gums.

Funny - a careless dentist set off my journey to TN

MVD was 10/2011

New dentist gave me a better smile

I was beyondddd scared to get TN again.... so far so good. : )