Has anyone had a spinal cord stimulation done?

My neurosurgeon was able to see my yesterday and said that a part of him really wants to do another MVD
But is worried that it could make my pain worse. At this point the amount of pain and discomfort I’m in I told him to cut my face off no joke
He wants me to try something called spinal cord stimulatin for a 3 weeks try. The put electrode up through my spine and in to my neck to see if I can get some relief. I’m just wondering if anyone has had this done? What. Do I expect ? I’m not hopeful as I’m slowly lossing hope the more question marks
I get from my doctor. He said that if he can’t get the electrodes place high enough in my spine or they don’t work the next step is curing the nerves
I’m so confursed and losing hope and paciience so any of your story’s with either the
Splinal cord stimulation or cutting the nerves would help me with guidance