Good day, thank god for kids!

how is everyone today? am having a reasonably goo day in the grand scheme of things. constant ache around ear and temple, feels like i have been hit in the head with a cricket bat, not that i ever have mind but i would have thought this is how it feels!

kids have kept me busy and entertained all day, making jewellery and playing star wars, hard to feel sorry for myself while being a jedi knight, you never see luke skywalker sat around crying cos his face hurts!

sometimes, on a bad day kids drive me round the bend and i find myself losing my temper and patience with them, feel awful after they have gone bed and just adds to my feeling so low, if i just let it go and enjoy my time with them seems to make the pain a bit more bearable.

they both understand that my head is broken and that i feel pain all the time and the majority of the time are realy good with me, its something when my 5yr old and 3 1/2 yr old are dooing there best to look out for me!

reading the stories on here of kids who are suffering with this awful affliction makes me almost cry.

hope your all well and making the mot of the weekend.

Hi Borris,

I'm a grandma to two little ones, 7 years old and 22 months old and I can definitely relate to what you wrote! Some days I feel bad that I can't do more for them, but even lifting the 22 month old into a car seat, or carrying her around can be a challenge on the not so good days. On a positive note though - you're right - thank god for the kids because it is harder to feel sorry for yourself when they're around and keeping you busy. I have atypical TN so have constant burning crushing pain, mainly right side but also get the odd twinge now on the left side too. This is a tough condition to live with. By the way, I lived in the UK for many years and see you're from Manchester ... I visited there a few times years ago to stay with a friend that was at university there. Great city, some good pubs, happy memories! I wish you well, hope you find some lasting relief from the miserable pain soon.
