Flare-up from HELL

It began the other night, I have been in so much pain lately that I really cannot tell you when this all happened. I began crying with pain around 9:30pm and seriously did not stop until after 8am the next morning. And I am not talking about being teary eyed, this was full out bawling all night long. Worst night of my life. I took tons of Tyelnol, Excedrin, and Ibuprofen to no avail. I spent more of this time in prayer, but sorry to say that the prayer didn't help much either. I really did not know a person could cry that hard and that long in one night.

You all know they doubled the dose of my Tegretol. Today however was a good day, only a couple of twinges here and there. Red after going through that night I even sent a email to a Neurosurgeon about MVD. I seriously would have done anything that night to make that pain go away.

Then had a medium sized episode, it lasted for about 5 hours, and I found something that helps, a heating pad placed directly over the left side of my face. Have any of you also gotten relief from this?

Also had what I thought was a small episode while in the car with hubby, grandson, and both daughters. Andrew, who is 6, came up to me last night and says "Grandma, you know when you were screaming in the car?" I said I wasn't screaming, and everyone told me that yes I was screaming. The pain was so severe that I didn't even realize I was screaming. Anyway, he says "While you were screaming Grandma, I was really worried about you." And he stayed there just staring into my eyes for the longest time, and says "I really love you lots Grandma!" I cried so hard after that.

Please forgive me for not answering the Tegretol discussion, I was just in two much pain. Much love to you all for offering the kind words you have, the support you have, and the friendship you have. I love you all dearly for that!

Ali, I'm so sorry to hear of the horrid difficulty you are having

However a cautionary note: you need to be careful about taking "tons of" Tylenol, Excedrin (which also contains Tylenol) and Ibuprofen. In sustained high doses, these meds can cause liver problems and gastritis (inflammation of the gut, sometimes leading to ulcers).And anti-inflammatory drugs of this sort are generally not effective against TN pain.

At a guess, I would say that it may be time to consider combining your Tegretol with some other medication, such as one of the tri-cyclic antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, others) which have dual action as calcium-channel blockers and anti-depressants.

Go in Peace and Power,


Ali, hope you feel better soon… sorry to hear things aren’t going sooo well. Hugs, Min

Heating pad or theraphore are my lifesaving tools.

So sorry you’re experiencing so much pain, Ali. I feel for you. :frowning: I went through this last year and bawled my eyes out, too. Even morphine didn’t ease the pain. Hang in there. You’re not alone.

Thanks everyone, I love you all!! Red I was recently started on Amitriptyline, suppose I forgot to mention that. Anyhoo, I got in touch with that Neurosurgeon nearby but must wait a month until they can get me in, still even that sounds like music to my ears and if this guy is willing to do the MVD I am all for it. I understand that this decision is not to be taken lightly, believe me, I’m not. But on the other hand I also know that I cannot continue with this kind of pain, cannot, nor do I want to. Much love to you all!!

Good luck to you Ali, I hope you find the answers that you are seeking. Peace, Min

Having choices is wonderful. it empowers you to make a decision. i know you will do the right thing. pain is not to be taken lightly.feel better. hugd,e