It's back after 10 months :(

I had my MVD 10 months ago.

The last 3 days have been a nightmare. I broke down crying hysterically yesterday because I don’t know if it’s a fluke or the beginning of my nightmare again. The pain is intolerable! All 3 branches on my left side. Tegretol and muscle relaxers aren’t helping. I am in between neurologists because my old neuro and GP will not prescribe any narcotics. They prefer me going through the torture of “waiting it out” or “going to the ER”. I don’t know which is worse at this point based on my past experiences. I just want to sleep until it goes away, if it does. I can’t believe this is happening again. I hate feeling this desperation. I just want it to go away! I was just starting to get my life back in order after 10 years of non-stop pain. I can’t stop crying and I know that’s not going to help my pain.

So sorry to hear! Have you contacted your surgeon? Perhaps he or she can prescriber something for you until you can get back to see them.

What a bummer.Im so sorry.Extra strength Tylenol used to take the edge off for me along with more carbamazapine than prescribed.Hang in there.Mine at least finally gave me Hydocodone which didn't do much.

Ugh, my friend, I understand… I’m so sorry.((( hugs )))
I cried my fair share of tears last week…but then I stopped abruptly. The tears and stress worrying and wondering what this return of pain meant for my future were only making my pain worse.
TN is consistently inconsistent, so I hope for You and for Me, this is just a little detour on our road to wellness.
I increased my tegretol by 200mg and it took about 3-4 days to touch the pain, but it’s not covering it completely… It’s soooooo discouraging because I think I know I might need to increase again…but I’m not there yet…
I’ve been using my heating pad and lidocaine cream when I can to help…and Advil in between my teg doses. I see my neuro next week.

What dose of tegretol are you on? I’m on the slow release, are you? It works way better for me than the regular.
Get yourself referred to a new neuro ASAP!
Deep breath, One moment at a time…we’ll get through this…
(( hugs )) Mimi

so sorry...I understand the panic..been there--it completely overtakes your mind...a total emotional...upheaval.. ;-( hang in there and believe you will find relief-- sounds like a new doc is definately in order...

You said it tacocat: PANIC besides the excruciating pain.

Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts. While waiting to see my GP I did what I know is a no no and popped some Elavil. (The things you will do when you're desperate.) The pain wasn't too terrible at the time but I knew it was coming. I saw the GP on Mon and he prescribed Tegretol 200 mg up to 3 times a day. So far I've only taken 400 mg total. I used to be on 1200 mg but I haven't been on it for a while so I didn't think it was ok to just jump to the prescribed 600 mg from nothing. No help. He gave Soma (muscle relaxer) to take as well. No help. My issue is that I foolishly listened to some pain management doctor a while ago and have been taking Suboxone on and off. I thought it was just a way to lower your tolerance to pain meds so that you can take less. I used to be on Fentanyl patches and I was treated terribly because it's such a strong pain killer. Now I'm treated worse because doctors see Suboxone in my record and assume I'm an ex-addict and have an issue giving me any pain killers, sedatives or muscle relaxers. I went from one bad situation to a worse one. One doctor has been ok with giving me pain medicine as needed but now all of a sudden he refuses. The ER refuses to treat me many times unless I get admitted. I wish I had looked into it more before I ever took it. Once again, in my ignorance and desperation I just did what the doctor said without asking too many questions. I'm in the middle of trying to find a pain management doctor that can understand (and believe) my situation and help me. I don't need pain medicine everyday. But when I do, I really really do. I've been taking 1,000 mg of Tylenol every 6 hrs the last 3 days. Can't take NSAIDs like Advil cause I'm allergic. I see a new neuro in Oct. Don't know what I'm going to do in the mean time. Maybe the neurosurgeon is my best bet at this point. See what he has to say.

Thank you TN friends!

I am so sorry you are going through this. It is so wrong to be treated that way. Keep pushing to get the meds you need and deserve to get this under control. Please know we are all pulling for you, you are not alone.

Can anybody you trust give you non narcotic lidocaine face patches?

After my MVD had 1 year no pain and
1 year off and on with 5% pain off and on

Patches kept me from going back on higher med.

I am so sorry. Wish I could do more. Hugs, very gentle hugs