I have my 2nd MVD sheduled for June 17 no time yet as it is elective surgery but would expect a time sometime this week.
Pre-op is this thursday June 6 at 1pm Toronto's Western Hospital.
Thinking Happy Thoughts.
I am currently taking 2000 mg of tegretol & 600 mg of Gabpentin it does seem to be controlling my pain was taking 150 mg of Lyrica but was some side effects.
Hi Brian,
Wow, I’m guessing Dr. T thought another mvd is a good idea?! Although I’m sorry you have to go through it again, I’m glad you have a neurosurgeon that’s pro active and feels he can help you again. Thank goodness you don’t have to wait too long and the meds are providing some relief.
I wish you all the best that this 2nd time will be the one that gives you the longest relief and hopefully it never returns!
Please keep in touch as you’re able too, lots of positive thoughts and prayers coming from out west!
(( hugs )) Mimi xx
Thank you Mimi,Surgery is sheduled for 8am This monday,Dr T has ordered a MRI at 5:45 am monday before surgery.Ofcourse scared again but I have a great support group.I will post as soon as Im able.Thanx again GodBless
Same side but for some reason not in upper branch this time but branch 2 & 3.Its been 3 years and I know its going to sound strange but all I remember back in 2009 - 2010 is that crazy insane pain.The attacks I had on first onset were crazy insane pain until my teg level could stop it.Back in 2009 my teg level was the same 2000mg a day but it alone controlled the pain,this time 2000mg is not doing it on its own.I started to add 75mg of lyrica twice per day and with the lyrica it controlled the pain but the lyrica gave me a side effect I was hoping to get away from with Gabepentin so I stopped the lyrica and started taking 300mg twice a day of gabepentin it helped at first but within a 2 week period had bouts of pain mainly in the evening so I have since gone back onto the 75mg twice a day of lyrica and pain is controlled.Im very lucky that I live in Canada for our medical system as taking 2000mg of teg Im close to toxic levels hence the reason for quick response from surgeon and the need for surgery.Its 7:49am Friday I only have 3 days till my surgery and I try not to think about it much as Im terrified once again.But I have all the cofidence in Dr.T just not looking foward to post surgery effects.Sorry for long explination.Godbless
I’ll be thinking of you…here’s to an uneventful and speedy recovery with long lasting results!!!
I understand the fear and anxiety, not much to be done about it, I hope you’re able to keep your mind busy enough the next 3 days … Huge ((( hugs ))) post when you’re able too, but take care of you first!