Facial swelling

I wake every morning with some degree of facial swelling. The swelling is centered around my eye. Has anyone had this and if so what can be done about it?

Yes, lately I’ve been having facial swellings too. Especially my eyes but one day even my legs, feet and hands are swollen. They’re gone now but it might be the meds we’ve been taking like lyrica.

Since I have been diagnosed with TN I have noticed some puffiness around my eye also. My neuro has never had anything to say about this. Last week, I had a terrible flare up of TN (after it had been in remission for about 4 months). I had extreme swelling in face. I had to go the ER for the swelling. They gave me a shot of steroids and round of steroids to take at home. This has helped with the swelling.

I’m seeing my doctor today because I woke up with eyes swollen and rashes all over my shoulders and face and chest. I think they are allergies but I had swollen feet, hands, legs and arms few weeks ago. Maybe it’s the meds we’ve been taking but today my eyes and rashes stings like hell!

I can't even begin to tell you all how relieved I am to hear that I am NOT THE ONLY ONE that suffers from the embarrassing, painful one-sided facial swelling!!!! I have struggled with this for years, and now its to the point where I always have some swelling and numbness on the right cheek/jaw area. It realllly swells up if, goodness forbid, I take too big of a bite while eating, or a piece of my hair brushes my cheek.

I have had this problem also, I found that when I slept on my right side of my face it would swell and droop so I no longer sleep on that side. I miss sleeping on that side but I really do not like the outcome.