Face swelling

Do any of you experience face swelling? I have been hurting for a few days and just noticed my jaw is swollen. I don't recall ever experiencing swelling in the past, then again my memory isn't all that great since I take so many meds.....

Yes my right said is my affected side. My right eye gets swollen when my pain is really bad.

I ended up in Hospital as my right side had swollen up so much, like a balloon (My kids were scared of me) and I couldn't eat or drink. They weren't sure if it was related to TN but at the time I was in full force pain and on Tegretol. They thought it was because I drank Bore water?? At the moment I am having attacks again and swollen on one side of my jaw and eye? I thought it might be from all the pain killers???

Thanks Stephanie!! it sure helps to understand my symptoms are similar to other's.

farmgirl, that sounds horrible!! I don't know what would cause that bad of swelling... maybe you could research the pain med side effects ??