Cold weather

How do you cope with freezing cold weather. That’s what we are having at the moment in the UK with snow. My TN is driving me mad, when I have to go out you can’t see my face, but still the cold wind gets through. I have heat pads for when I get home. Can’t sleep properly at the moment for the pain, even though I take liquid morphine. I am on 900mg Gabapentin 3 times a day. I feel like a drug addict. Wonder what I have done to deserve this pain. The continual ache in my cheek won’t go then I have shooting pains into my deaf ear where I have a continual ringing sound. The pain even goes up into my head now. This is totally different to the pain I had before my MVD that used to send pain through my eye into my head, but I did not have the continual ache in my cheek. Know the cold weather is making it worse, but is there anything I can do. I feel like banging my head against a brick wall. Know that would not help. Love Margaret.