Hi everyone,
I recognize that my TN II is much less severe than what many of you are experiencing, but I wanted to share what seems to be a minor success. I started using capsaicin patches (the kind you put on your back for a backache) a couple of weeks ago. They were only .025% strength, but I felt like as long as I wore them, I had some relief from the constant boring sensation in my scalp and the unrelenting pressure in my scalp. I got tired of looking like an accident victim, though, with the large bandage stretched across the right side of my forehead, so I started looking for a different solution.
Last Saturday, I happened to stop at s CVS, and I noticed they carry capsaicin liquid in an applicator bottle. It's stronger than the bandages, at .15%. It's really easy to use because I don't get it on my hands, and I can put it on my scalp without making my hair greasy.
This stuff seems to work well for me. It, and finding the right level of gabepentin, are keeping the pain at bay.
I've included a picture of the box, so you know what to look for if you're interested in trying it.
As a side note, if you do decide to use it, be sure to tilt your head back before rinsing your face and hair in the shower. If you don't, you'll long for some sour cream to slather on your face to extinguish the fire!
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