Bells Palsy

Hi there, I have TN (types 1 & 2) as a result of my Relapsing Remitting Multiple Screlosis. I've been battling with my TN for the past 3 years with some success & lots of intervention (predominantly Lyrica & Ketamine Infusions), . I'm now drug free (yay) however have developed a Bells Palsy in the lower right side of my face. My Neuro has offered me treatment via Botox which I have refused as I'm trying to go 'natural'. Is anyone out there able to tell me if this Palsy has anything to do with my TN?? My Neuro won't speculate & though I've searched on the net, I can't seem to work out if it's related to my TN & or MS, either together or stand alone. My TN & Palsy are both on the right side of my face. TN along top of teeth & into temple whilst Palsy is nose down to chin same side. I know we're not to use the site for diagnostic purposes however its hard enough getting someone to understand the challenges of suffering &/or managing (it's often day by day!) my TN without throwing a Palsy into the equation. I've had my palsy for three months now & aren't sure whether to hassle for further discussions with my Neuro, or to seek another Neuro's opinion & am more than a little afraid that my new facial appearance might be here to stay. Interestingly the change in my face started with the onset of cooler weather & we're headed for winter in Australia so as well as being afraid to feel the chill of the wind (as it feels like razors slicing through my cheek), I now look like I've had a partial stroke. I'm 43 & a little lost. Any words of wisdom will be well received,

Many thanks


Hi Jaci,
Unfortunately I can’t answer your question but thought I’d suggest typing in Bells Palsy into our search engine above right to find other discussions. Also, maybe check in the MS group?
Just click on groups and scroll until you find the MS one.
Hope you find some answers…
(( hugs )) Mimi

I would get second opinion -- it can't make it worse..... sometimes it spontaneously goes away - you should keep looking for answers if it is what you need!