Bells Palsy? Multiple miscarriages?

Ten years ago I developed Bells Palsy on the same side as my TN. My neuro said both can be caused by the reactivation of a virus I picked up earlier in life, such as chicken pox. The BP came out while I was 18 weeks pregnant and feeling a lot of stress over a poor diagnosis on my unborn child as well as the death of a friend.

I also have a history of multiple miscarriages in which a cause for was never found for.

Wondering if others have had one or both of these conditions.

My son had it…age 8

when he had a baddddd stomach virus… Palsy went away soon

I don't know if there is a correlation between multiple miscarriages and TN, but I also have had several. I do have polycystic ovarian syndrome, which is the cause of mine.

I did have Bell's Palsy almost 3 years ago, which is when the pain started. I actually have spent the last 3 years thinking the pain was just residual nerve damage. I do believe mine was caused by the Bell's. I did a google search one night to see if there is a correlation or causation, and without delving too far in, it appears there is.

put bell's palsy in the search box here!