Awaiting MVD

Went to see my neurosurgeon last Monday after being referred on to him from my neurologist. My MRI clearly shows a blood vessel bulging against the trigeminal nerve and seemingly sitting alongside it for quite a distance, therefore causing compression. He was very nice and even showed us (my husband went with me) the MRI scan on the computer- even to my eyes it was plain to see what the problem is. He said he's not surprised I'm in so much pain and that it's his job to separate the blood vessel from the trigeminal nerve, if that's what I want.

I was very impressed as on the day i saw the neurosurgeon at 10 am I then had all my pre-op assessments done in the afternoon, therefore everything has been done on the one day and I won't have to go back a second time for testing (the hospital is about 25 miles away). He says he will do the op for me within a matter of weeks (hopefully). So, now it's a mixture of being excited at the prospect of being "fixed" hopefully and scared to death in equal measures!

I was scared s***less before my surgery and even with the complications I had I was surprised at how easy brain surgery actually is and would do it again in a heartbeat! I had an allergic reaction to anesthesia which I have always been allergic to and was sick to my stomach and I had a reaction to the antibiotics (normal for me) so I got thrush and had fluid in my ears from the soap they use to wash out the wax for the probe. All of this was normal to me, I am allergic to everything so I had no surprises there and doubt you would have any of these complications, even my surgeon said I am an oddball that way.

Its awesome that your surgery is so close to home, that will make things so much easier for you.

If you have any questions about the surgery feel free to message me, and please let us know when you are having the surgery so I and the other members can keep you in our thoughts and prayers
