HI, Obsidian,
( lovely name, lovely stone!)
from your description, you and I have very similar situations and pain patterns. And YES! I have found some help for the pain of the roof of mouth/tongue/ sometimes extends down the throat; pain on swallowing or difficulty ( impossiblity?) swallowing, at times... I won't go into all the gory details just yet! ha.
my DX's include: TN, glossopharyngeal neuralgia ( which accounts for the upper palate, tongue,and throat pain symptoms); and chronic daily migraine -- all of which I manage by a juggling act of various, daily pharmacueticals; oh, plus a talking bird who can make me laugh ( even though, I know, laughing, or even smiling, can hurt us at times, its' worth it)
MOst important, to answer your main question: Lidocaine viscous solution, 2% viscous solution has been my savior from that part of the constellation . As prescribed by my neurologist//'headache/migraine/pain specialst: 'taek 1-2 sips as needed' for pain on swallowing.
The idea here is it will coat the area w/ the topical lidocaine solution, being as viscous as it is, it works quite well.
IN the second prescription I received, they did not put any flavoring in it -- it is rather disgusting, if not flavored. so, I suggest you remember to ask your pharmacist if it will be flavored/or,to put in some flavoring ( they have it on hand for use in children's cough syrup) to make it more palatable. in any event, flavored or not, it's better thant eh pain, and works quickly.
BTW, when I use it, I try to piour it into the back of my mouth, so that my tongue, etc. doesn't have to become numb; yu will probably find a way to direct it to where you need it most, though it might taeka soem acrobatic kind of manoevering!!
I hope htis is of some help. Then I will lknow htat at least through my years of suffering, i've been ableto aid someone else int he same boat!!!!
I"m sorry you are experiencing so much UOS. ( I don't like to use the 'P-'word', so I usually refer to it w/ my friends as " Unwanted, Over-the-top Sensations"
You mention tha tyou had no dental work preceding the tooth pain, and so on. Had you at any time before that had any sort of injury or trauma to your neck or jaw?