My atypical started in my teeth almost 2 years ago. I'd had no dental work done. I went to a few different dentists and then an oral surgeon convinced it was a tooth thing but no one could find anything wrong. The pain migrates between different teeth, sometimes 3 or 4 at once. Always the worst ones though - at the front, top and bottom. I don't grind, and I don't have TMJ. Worse if I brush my teeth too hard (which isn't hard at all these days). It's a constant zap zap and crushing, burning feeling and the zapping pain from the gums in those areas too.
Right now my facial pain is less for the first time in months. But when that pain lessens, the tooth pain always amplifies. This has happened before. Then I have days when the sudden shocks are in the roof of my mouth and tongue. There's different pain variations and I never know what's next.
Has anyone found effective topical gel or spray to numb this level of tooth/gum pain? I tried oragel or something like it before but it didn't help. What about lidocaine, I've noticed some here have good results with it? I'm open to alternative stuff too, if anyone has found relief from homeopathic or herbal remedies. I'm so tired of dealing with this day after day. It seriously feels like a curse.
Can anyone relate to this mouth pain? Any advice greatly appreciated.
I had 4 root canals on one tooth before I was diagnosed. I have heard this several times from those that I support when people call me asking about MVD which I had almost 3 years ago.
My symptoms were very similar to yours. Please free to email me with questions, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
I have the same problem! No dental work done. I did break both sides of my jaw but it was 15+ years before my diagnosis. My doctor gives my Lidocaine Ointment 5% and I rub it on the area. It works GREAT and you can use it several times a day. Let me warn you though, when you touch the area that hurts with the Lidocaine on your finger it hurts like CRAZY! It feels like shock! BUT, within seconds it's numb and you feel much better. It also tastes horrible. My pharmacy ordered it from a different manufacturer for me to see if it would taste better and it worked!! So they order for Hi-Tech Pharmacal. Their brand has a peppermint taste. It's still gross but better. Hope this helps!
I have the same Atypical with pain mostly on the right side that shoots through my front teeth.
I went to a TN/Dentist yesterday. He prescribed lidocaine. He is also going to make a tray by doing an impression of the area effected. The idea is to place the lidocaine in the tray and put on the tray on the area. He said
you can use the lidocaine anywhere you feel effected. Im looking forward to it and will keep you posted on my results.
I take Gabapentin 300mg 3 x daily . I have some relief.
Also I have been using a Herberal and Vitamin B based nervous system support. It's called Mylen SheathSupport by
Planetary Herbals. I really think it's been helping a lot.
I was in the exact same boat one year ago. I tried Oragel, and even got a tooth extracted. I had to tough it out (and it was HARD) until the medication kicked in. I'm currently taking 600mg of Tegretol daily, but it did take several weeks, maybe up to a month before I had any relief.
I can relate to your pain. I understand the torture of brushing your teeth, and the pain that accompanies anything you try to do - eating, drinking, cold, hot, stress, work, etc. Be thankful your dental professionals did not do a lot of unnecessary work, in trying to alleviate your pain, before diagnosing you with TN. I had 8-9 root canals, 8 extractions, and more than 100 fillings - now the fillings were not directly related to the TN, but the others were. Finally my dentist started trying to narrow where the pain was and found jabbing the gums with his sharp instrument nearly sent me into the ceiling. That was when I decided that I needed help beyond a dentist. My dental surgeon was the one who made the diagnosis, and referred me to a neurologist. I know empathy and sympathy don't take away the pain, but I just want you to know that we truly understand what you are going through, and feel for you in your pain. I hope you can find something that works to relieve this, so you can get some of your life back.
Hi, so sorry to hear about your pain. I suffered the same way. I went from dentist to dentist, certain I needed a root canal, but they didn’t find a problem. It kept getting worse though until it became apparent it was more than a tooth as the pain shot down my face and to my chin. I had gamma surgery which helped quite a bit, but I also sleep with lidocaine patches on my face. Those patches have almost put me into remission, they are a godsend for me. The lidocaine gel you rub on is short acting, but the patches work 12 hrs if you wear them 12 hrs at night. Best of luck!!
Eventually, the best topical relief i found was "magic mouthwash". Your dr can prescribe it. It's basically, maalox, benedryl and liquid lidocaine mixed together. It works for about an hour or so, but any reprieve is welcome.
While waiting for dr, you can make an at home version, if you need to. It's, again, maalox, liquid benedrl, and over the counter liquid benzocaine (liquid oragel etc). Doesn't last nearly as long, but in a pinch it'll do.
Sadly, nowadays, my best relief comes from medications. But i always have a vial of magic mouthwash with me "just in case".
I have found that there is a connection between my wearing of glasses and my atn, this of course is very little help to you but I think it might help some of the other atn suffers.
Oh, I forgot to tell you I have had false teeth for the most part of my life, and find that it is amazing that I now ge what is like the worse toothache in the world when the atn strikes.
I have the same symptoms but mine started after the dentist did a root canal. That evening, when the anesthesia wore off, I had terrible pain. That was 7 months ago, and I haven't had a pain-free day since. I have mostly tooth pain, intermittently throughout the day. I take gabapentin 600 mg. 3 times daily, and never go anywhere without Orajel Severe Toothache cream. It does help temporarily. The gabapentin seems to manage the other pain, i.e. cheek, jaw, and sensitivity to cold. I try to take a day at a time, and enjoy the pain-free times. You are not alone - best of luck to you and all of us with this terrible disease!
Any day I can brush my teeth is a good day, but I have to always go slow and gentle because it is a major trigger. Before diagnosis years ago, dentist pulled 5 teeth, there was nothing wrong with them and apparently he had not heard of TN, grrr...but on the plus side I don't have to brush much on the bad side! Like has been mentioned, I use Anbesol liquid or cream for breakthrough pain, it helps for a little bit, hurts when applied, but does numb. Increase Gabapentin on bad days, decrease when I can. The majority of my pain is in my mouth/gums. Sometimes goes up into nose and eye, but I can relate and hope you find what helps!
Thanks everyone, Now I've got some new things to try :) Today facial pain is creeping back. I think maybe the tooth pain is always the same, but my perception of it is changes when other areas are more at rest. This is certainly a crazy way to live. Wish I could take meds but not an option, have horrible reactions to just about everything. So topical stuff is the only thing for me. I take 1 extra strength tylenol every night - it doesn't to anything for the pain but helps with sleep. Not great for the liver I've heard, but I asked the neuro and he said it was ok. Anymore than that and I can't keep it down. Sigh ....
Thanks for all the support. I rarely mention this to family or friends anymore, no point really. Nothing anyone can do and I get sick of listening to myself so I'm sure they do too.
Hi: It's TN. I think using sensidine tooth paste helped, along with a rotating tooth brush. So i'm also on three different meds but was still having the shooting face pains. A little baclafin, half a pill three times a day, a b 12 pill every other day. Good luck.
I was diagnosed in June after a fullblown three branch attack and have had good pain relief with tegretol...but for a year or so before diagnosis I had intermittant terrible pain in a few back molars...I found that putting clove oil on dental floss and getting it to the gums helped a lot!! They use clove oil for dry sockets after root canals..
I have noticed recently that I am getting sharps pains for just seconds-- in some teeth on the other side of my original pain. ugh!!! I try not to dwell on what the future may hold...this is a very nasty ailment... praying that some effective treatment comes along soon!! Glad you are feeling a bit better!
My symptoms were similar in that there was an area along the top row of teeth on the left from the incisor back 3 or 4 teeth that would give me electrical jolting pain if I touched my lip or brushed my teeth. I had very typical ophthalmic and maxillary root symptoms only and suffered for 6 years with it with periods of remission that were lessening in duration. The pain exacerbation period lengthened and I finally had mvd with total and complete 100% relief of symptoms since the surgery in July of 2013.
I would talk with a good neuro surgeon who has had a lot of success surgically treating TN! I think everything else is a band aid approach although when your going thru it any degree of relief is accepted!
I hope your able to find relief my friend. Keep us posted and I will be thinking and praying for you.
Big hug from here in North Idaho goes out your way!! Jay
I have had terrible burning in one tooth for 1 1/2 years. I also get the burning sometimes on my palattte and upper and lower gums the same time I have the tooth burning. Last weekend I had the burning in the tooth and gums continuous for over 2 days. It feels like there is a fire in my mouth. When the tooth burns, which is every day now, it doesn't stop. I have seen several endodontists, 2 oral surgeons, 2 nueros and 2 oral/facial pain doctors. It is not coming from the tooth although it sure feels that way. I have been told it is nueropathic pain, atypical facial pain, myofascial pain and TMD(which is like TMJ but in the muscles) They say it could be TN but nobody comes up with a definite diagnosis. I don 't get any shooting pains, just the burning. I have tried lidocaine oral 2% but it doesn't help. I asked the oral/facial dentist about a stronger lidocaine but he is hesitant to give it to me because he says it can sometimes burn the gums. I have read that a lot of people get relief from it. Have you tried any meds? Do you see a nuero? I have tried several meds but have not gotten relief. My nuero wants me to take Lyrica but I am afraid of the side effects. I might try accupuncture or I might give in and try the Lyrica. I know what you are going through and if you haven't been to a nuero I suggest you see one. I am going to another nuero in the hopes that he will be more experienced in diagnosing TN and ATN. I also had an MRI and MRA which were both negative. This is what a nuero would probably recommend you have. I am sorry you are having such pain. I hope you find something to help you. Gizmo
Hi Sara, Have you found anything that relieves your pain? Gizmo Sarah Hilton said:
I had 4 root canals on one tooth before I was diagnosed. I have heard this several times from those that I support when people call me asking about MVD which I had almost 3 years ago.
My symptoms were very similar to yours. Please free to email me with questions,
Hi snowbomb 63, do the patches help the burning in your teeth? I only get the buring in my toooth and gums, nothing on the outside of my face. I was wondering if putting a patch on the outside of my face would help the inside Gizmo.
snowbomb63 said:
Hi, so sorry to hear about your pain. I suffered the same way. I went from dentist to dentist, certain I needed a root canal, but they didn't find a problem. It kept getting worse though until it became apparent it was more than a tooth as the pain shot down my face and to my chin. I had gamma surgery which helped quite a bit, but I also sleep with lidocaine patches on my face. Those patches have almost put me into remission, they are a godsend for me. The lidocaine gel you rub on is short acting, but the patches work 12 hrs if you wear them 12 hrs at night. Best of luck!!Hi
I also have horrible pain that seems to be in my teeth. My gums are swollen and I cannot put both sides of my teeth together at the same time. I can only chew on the left side. The few times I forget and crunch down on my right side, it is painful. I am on Epitrol and I take Tylenol as needed. I have found that a topical product called Badger Sore Joint Rub and Orajel Severe Pain Formula used together helps. The Badger Cream is applied on the face and should be rubbed for awhile after each application.
Last night I had a massage. The light massage she did on my face seems to have helped a bit. I am going back in 2 weeks for another massage.My mouth seems to be more in alignment, though still swollen. I'm hoping that when the cold bitter weather ends may relieve me of this pain.
I'm sorry to hear that your mother said suck it up. Don't let her get into your mind. This is her issue. You are in pain and have this wonderful website for support.