ATN or Type 2 TN (CONSTANT Teeth pain) Meds list please

If you have type 2(constant teeth pain on one side). Will you please please write a clear list of what really helps the constant type pain and what does not…such as…

Neurontin 3000 mg
Klonipin .5 mg
( sever pain with this only)
I have got to get relief some how.

(No help at all).

wish I had an answer. I, too, will be hoping to see some concoctions that help.

check out the discussion thread “little helps”. there a lot of different suggestions there. acupuncture helped me quite a bit initially, then amitriptyline & Lyrica. putting a hot moist towel on my face gave some immediate relief, even though it was temporary. some people have used lidocaine patches on their face. look through some of the threads under the Type 2 discussion group. good luck with this monster… know that you’re not alone. we’ve all been there, searching for any relief.

I wish I could help. Mine comes and goes I have used orajel before and it helped temporarily. Good luck I’m so sorry for your constant pain. Oh, GK did give me 8 months of relief.

I suffered 24/7 pain in my teeth and the amitriptyline saved me life. I didn't get relief until I got near 100mg/day, and it wasn't total relief, but it made such a huge difference. It took a while to build up to that dose but I didn't give up because my doctor really believed it would help me at the right dose, and it did.

I also take Klonopin, but the amitriptyline is what really helps me.

How much Klonipin do you take and doesn’t the amitriptyline give you very dry mouth?? I’ve thought about trying nortriptyline or Lyrica. Ugh! I’m in surcharge of relief and to help others also.

I had to work my way up on the amitriptyline. I had very bad side effects at first, so I progressed slowly with increasing the meds (& I take them at night). the s/e usually subsided within a few weeks. at a certain dose, the side effects were so bad, they didn’t subside with time, & I had to back down to the lower dose. when I added the Lyrica, it took a couple of weeks before it kicked in, but it finally did. it was hard to wait it out & see whether the meds would help. good luck!

Nortriptyline 20 mg morn 20 nite. Probably feel better if I took more but get terrible stiffness in my fingers and hands. They also get very swollen and tingle. Take 500 mg gabapentin daily. My pain is just lowered. Never ever gone.

I take .05 to 1.0 mg/of Klonopin daily, depending on the day.

The amitriptyline does give me dry mouth, but it's a small price to pay for pain relief.

If I had known then what I know now, I would have started with the Nortriptyline because it's supposed to have fewer side effects. But we went with amitriptyline because that's what's primarily used in the studies, and it was working for me and I didn't want to take a chance and switch.

Amitriptyline kept me pain free for the past year. Yes, dry mouth, fatigue and weight gain are side effects. You get used to the med as you increase it. And all side effects are very manageable once you are getting relief. This med has been my life saver twice.

I am now starting Lyrica for new symptoms so I will let you know how that goes.

I have constant burning and throbbing from my teeth after dental implant surgery 5 years ago. I gradually increased Neurontin up to 2700 mg but it did not give me significant relief. I also tried Amatriptyiline without successful pain reduction and it gave me too many side effects. The only medication that takes the edge off my pain is Tegretol. I currently take 600mg a day but will ask my doctor if 800mg might be more effective. When the burning is really bad I take 1 tablet of Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen 5/325 which is helpful. Unfortunately the Hydrocodone does not work at night. I believe the Tegretol helps me to function at least halfway normal. I empathize with your pain and sincerely hope you will be able to find a combination of meds that work. If you find something please post it on this site. I may want to try what is helpful for you. Thanks.

I decided to give Amitriptyline another try. I took one 25 mg last night, and today my pain has been much less already. I did of course have to take a long nap tho. Lol. I have not even taken any Xanax or Klonipin yet either, but it feels like it may be starting up now so I may have too. But usually by this time of day I have had to take a few things to help.

This site is so awesome…us all trying to help each other as we all try to find answers to this pain relief.

God bless you all!

I now take 25 mg amitriptyline in morning and 25 mg at night. It helps but I still need 1800 mg Neurontin and .5 mg twice a day of Xanax. I think I’ll probably have to get up to 100 mg Amitriptyline a day to lower the other Meds.

After 20 years with upper left teeth pain…and 3 extractions ( pain still there) and I just had MVD Surgery on Jan 21st (2014) expecting that if the MVD will work it could take some time for “the smoke to clear”. I am on 12.5 patch of Fentanyl. 300 mg. Lyrica daily, Valium for still neck and facial muscles and 10 mg. Methadone 3x pd. I usually get by with 2 and add some Tylenol in every 4-6 hours. I am functioning at about 75%. Sleepy occasionally but have quite a few decent hours through the day. I also have “Fibromyalgia”. I truthfully feel that stress from facial pain has caused this. Feel like if they could get rid of the facial pain the rest of my body would follow! I’ve tried all of those anti-seizure and anti-depressants. Only help are the narcotics truthfully. Get to a pain clinic if you haven’t been. I am lucky right now to have just had a new PA join the pain clinic who worked 10 years prior for a Neurologist. Lucky Me. Be glad to answer any questions. Good luck to you!!

I tried Tegretol and no luck, with Lyrica (I'm up to 100mg 2x a day now) and I'm having some success! Sometimes 3-4 hours at a time pain free....

Sorry, won't list the meds because I haven't gotten any releif from any one of them. The side effects were terrible and I could never get to a high dose. I'm seeing a neurosurgeon this Friday. I will keep all of you posted.

What is GK?? Elvera
Anna said:

I wish I could help. Mine comes and goes I have used orajel before and it helped temporarily. Good luck I'm so sorry for your constant pain. Oh, GK did give me 8 months of relief.

As you know teeth pain is type 2 stuff and anti-inflammatory meds,,,, like the powerful stuff, not the weak advil kind, is supposed to help such as meloxicam or that indomice something (yeah, I am a lot of help, hey, lol).... and the tricyclic antidepressants are supposed to help as well... If all else fails, I put oral gel on my gums and man oh man... that helps me ALOT... perhaps I put to much on.. I don't know.. but when I am in excruciating pain I put so much of that stuff on that my tongue somehow gets all numb too, lol...but heck for me it takes about 60% of the pain away!!! then I have found that if you relieve the tooth pain with oragel than the pain just moves to the cheek and jaw, so then I put some lidocream on that baby.. Baclofen can be added as well. I was in excruciating type 2 pain and had to go to the ER for the first time for such a thing.. and getting back on the nortriptyline and some baclofen has helped to bring it down to a more controllable mild pain... Just know that when you mix baclofen and tricyclic antidepressants it makes you super duper tired :(

Me… Did you ever have any surgery on the roof of your mouth or any neck injury? Interested in what you think caused your teeth pain.

Jamie I have tried Clove oil in the past. Look it up. It might bring you some temporary relief.