ATN or Type 2 TN (CONSTANT Teeth pain) Meds list please

One med that I haven’t seen mentioned yet is Gralise. It’s an extended release gabapentin. It’s made a big difference for me with fewer peaks and valleys of pain. Only problem is it is newer so I have $60 copay for it. I still take Tegretol and amitriptyline too, as well as Tramadol for breakthrough pain. Will be starting extended release Tramadol this week. I am never pain free, but I can function most days and am still able to work. Can’t say that much housework gets done when I come home though…

I know others who have had minimal effect with gabapentin but very good results with Gralise.

Hi Amitryptiline and Gabapentin or Tegretol to knock it on the head. Also, the best tip I got off my neuro who also has ATN - wonderful woman, is to use Sensodyne repair toothpaste - it really works. I know when I don't use it, symptoms flare a lot more easily. For the dry mouth there is a product available called Biotene - chemist sell it on line and ship internationally if you can't get it locally. Occasionally I will use Cepacol if the face is fired up to numb so I can brush my teeth. Hope this helps :)

Well the neurologist took me off of Amitriptyline and Neurontin and put me on Oxtellar XR. And Lorazepam. It has been about three weeks and I am nauseous every day most all day and it does not take care of my pain even with the lorazepam. I need him to put me on something else. Thought about nortripyline and Klonipin. I’m getting so tired of this pain and nausea.