Pain is getting worse

I am on 600mg of Neurontin and I was told the second branch was the one being effected and that I have both types of tn. This week however the pain broke through with in this horrible burning way like before but this time it's now effecting my top row our teeth, my bottom row of teeth and the entire left side of my face including behind my eye.

Today has been the worst, the burning grinding pain seems to only be helped by me sucking on orajel and only for a few minutes. Then an hour ago I got the all to familiar whip of lightening across my face. My tn is officially breaking through the dose I'm on.

Now my question is this, should I ask to go up on neurontin or add a new med. I can't have surgery right now because of my breathing problems.

Anyone have this happen were it feels like all the branches are on fire and a drill is carving you out.

600 mg of Neurontin is pretty low, so you could go up on that. But many people try carbemazepine, an anti-seizure medicine that has good results for many. I think you could go either way. If you're new to TN, just be aware that over time, meds stop working, so it's a constant balancing act to get the right dose or medicine.

Good luck, Amy.


I ment to put 600 mg three times a day lol.

Thanks for the advice of the other drug.

This is where a tricyclic anti-depressant can help. They are successful for many with ATN constant type pain. Nortriptyline is my life saver. Also Amitriptyline or Lyrica.

I have had the same experience with pain breaking through my medication. I have slowly had to increase over the past year and a half. Especially after my ATN went bilateral about six months ago.

I am also coming to know my ATN very well. I really have flair ups that can last an hour, a day or five days. I am trying to deal with the individual flair ups without increasing my medication for now. It is a balancing act. I will not hesitate to increase if things become unbearable again.

Thank you very much, i have been using a “magic mouth wash” that a dentist had prescribed. It’s helps much more than orajel. Ive brought myself up to 800 3x a day and its cut the large whiplash attacks out. Now it’s just controlling the insane burning and grinding feeling. I am changing dr.s there are no tn specialists in ri so I’m having to decode between mass or con.

I was just reading your profile. You deal with a lot of tooth and jaw pain? I would def try a tricyclic. No pain med or over the counter will touch that constant, burning pain. I have it bilaterally and it is enough to drive me bonkers.

That seems to be the main contender, it definitely is focused on my teeth and it has a sure fire trigger spot between my eye and nose that send both row s of teeth and my lips and cheek in an absolute tizzy.