Some suggestions please

So I have been dealing with the most excruciating pain in my teeth since before the holidays( sharp,stabbing,electrical at times)I know there are no cavities and when it’s really bad it sets off pain on my bottom tooth. This is where the pain started at the beginning of this horrific journey. Since then I have managed to deal with the electrical type pain in my teeth and I primarily have to deal with the gnawing constant burn/ache of tn2. Since my doctor had told me I could up my carbamazepine by 100 mg if needed over the holidays I did. For about a week it worked. But now it’s back. I currently take 700mg of gabapentin since that’s all I can handle( makes me high), 1000 mg of carbamazepine, 40 mg of baclofen and 75 mg of synthroid for the thyroid issue I have now developed.
Is this an unusual amount of meds. Is it dangerous to take another 100 mg of carbamazepine to see if it settles it down? My neurologist is away until mid feb and this is the med that seemed to control the electric shock pain. My gp doesn’t get involved with these meds as they often don’t agree on treatment.
I feel like it just stopped working… Does that happen?
Is it worth it to by ambusol to rub on my gums? Would that even help? The hot pepper cream on my face didn’t even make a dent.
I am afraid to go to the hospital because I don’t want to spend the 5 hrs waiting for them to not help me or think I’m a “pill junkie”. Any words of wisdom would be helpful as I am slowly going crazy.

Still looking for advice please:)


I think when you see your neurologist in Feb, inquire about gralise. It is time release neurontin and I tolerate it very well, and I too could not handle the side effects of regular neurontin.

I have tried oral gel on my gums and get some temporary relief from the tooth pain. If you have a regular dentist, ask him/her if you can get a prescription for a lidocaine solution to use as a mouthwash.

Bob E.


I would call a pharmacist before taking extra medicine just to make sure it is safe. I’m on 400 mg of carbamazepine and 2400 mg of Gabapentin (Neurontin) everyday for my TN and other neurological issues. I’m on other medications for other health problems as well. I think I am on too many meds, but I have to take them.

I hope you feel better soon. I know how bad the pain can be.


Hi Dizzyowl

Hopefully it is a flare up. I had a bad month last month. Winter is way worse for me. My med helps a lot but sometimes the pain just marches right through it.
I know how bad it can be. I have been through some pretty dire times with this.


My teeth hurt 24/7 on the left side for nine months…I feel your pain. I have yet to find anything that helps :frowning:

I have battled tn2 pain for many years. There is one thing that I have found to be a certainty: pain management must be changed up from time to time. You may need to change to another drug and then come back to this regiment. Until you can speak with your dr about this try adding a benedryl to see if it will help you sleep which is such a huge part of pain management. You could also take one Tylenol and one Advil at the same time. This was a tip a dentist gave me that helped at times.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions and well wishes. I am calling my dentist tomorrow to ask about the lidocaine mouthwash. I also left a message with my neurologists office today to get an appointment when he returns. I hope this is just a short lived flare. I am definitely a fall winter girl but not so much since this hell began a year and a half ago. I am in Canada so I guess this cold and windy weather has kicked me in the pants.
Thanks again

I live east of Cobourg. Not very often I run into somebody on here that is less then an hour away from me. Yes winter in Ontario is no fun

You are right it’s not often I meet anyone who lives near me… Nice to meet you:)

I get that too, like I have to prove to the dr.s that I am in agonizing pain constantly. Over medicating can be worse than the pain alone, I have gotten off of lyrica, tegretol, tramadol, zanax, zoloft, cymbalta, with good results. I take 10mg of marinol and 5mg of cumadin for blood clots. I am lucky for now. Just know that treatments are getting better and so will you get better. I thought at first I was having teeth problems, I had all my teeth removed, I have a denture on top and 13 implants on the bottom. Just know that anything that helps you, helps. You know 5% less pain is great, one thing we have is time to try different treatments, be it mine, yours, the dr.s, or others. Hope this helps, Kevin P

Hmm, I have intractable TN- I would take a look at a "compound cream" I have neurontin cream that helps a great deal. Ask the doctor if this might be added to your formulary...

kevin p said:

I get that too, like I have to prove to the dr.s that I am in agonizing pain constantly. Over medicating can be worse than the pain alone, I have gotten off of lyrica, tegretol, tramadol, zanax, zoloft, cymbalta, with good results. I take 10mg of marinol and 5mg of cumadin for blood clots. I am lucky for now. Just know that treatments are getting better and so will you get better. I thought at first I was having teeth problems, I had all my teeth removed, I have a denture on top and 13 implants on the bottom. Just know that anything that helps you, helps. You know 5% less pain is great, one thing we have is time to try different treatments, be it mine, yours, the dr.s, or others. Hope this helps, Kevin P

Thanks again for all your suggestions:) my doctor suggested increasing my carbamazepine by 1/2 tablet (100 mg) per day. It took a week but it did help with the pain. My body is still adjusting to the medication increase. I am so exhausted all the time. I have a second MRI scheduled on the 19th for my neurosurgeon. Hopefully there is a treatment that will work for me as an alternative to the medication.
Thanks again.

Hi I’m on exact same as you plus narproxen. I feel the same regarding pills. I currently take 29 a day. I am waiting to see neurologist again. I also have fybromialgia too and exhausted all the time. Such a relief to hear I’m not alone in this. My heart goes out to you. Although hard please keep your chin up.

Just an opinion not a recommendation an opinion.

Pills especially 29 of them is going to be a long term, at best, a recipe for a dysfunctional system, 29 has got to equate to poly pharma and studies don't involve this, multiple drugs and interactions. A single drug has never cured anything, might have rid you of symptoms but it certainly didn't address the cause. Drugs either block receptors or change enzymes both functions of which are a natural physiology function, involved in crucial physiological pathways essential to overall health.

Pain in the main is inflammation your own bodies, and everyone else's, attempt to heal it shouldn't be suppressed but used as a signal for change- lifestyle, diet, stress, and environmental toxins. This is why I find ,TN there is no cure a little depressing'. One day we are fine the next boom. Arterial compression, cervical issues, connective tissue/ auto immune disorders all may play a part, but they have a common denominator in inflammation, the bodies attempt at healing. So recognising the need for pain management, should treatment stop at medical/ pharma intervention? Not if an individual wants a cure.

Clare said:

Hi I'm on exact same as you plus narproxen. I feel the same regarding pills. I currently take 29 a day. I am waiting to see neurologist again. I also have fybromialgia too and exhausted all the time. Such a relief to hear I'm not alone in this. My heart goes out to you. Although hard please keep your chin up.