
Hi all.
I’ve been waiting a long time but now have an mri scheduled for the 29th of November and an appointment to see a neurosurgeon on the 3rd of December. It all feels a bit rushed now. I guess it’s just because it’s so close to Christmas and since I work in retail and the. 29th is black Friday you can imagine how well it went booking that day off ( it’s in another city so I need the whole day). Anyway I have that horrible feeling that I’m wasting everyone’s time. I think that comes from my family ignoring the whole thing. They always refer to it as that problem with my teeth. There’s nothing wrong with my teeth I tell them and they answer whatever, you know what I mean. I guess I’m getting depressed. Sorry for venting.

Hi Pierre, sorry your family is not more supportive. Can I ask you who is your neurologist and neurosurgeon? yeah, it does seem like you have to wait forever for these appts, doesn't it. Elvera

Good luck at your upcoming appointments!

Oh I understand completely how frustrating it can be when family and friends don’t understand. I try to remind myself that TN is relatively unheard of, so in fairness to them I explain as best as possible what TN is. AND even after explaining there are some who just don’t get it, don’t listen and just assume they get it. By their comments I know they don’t.
Before my MVD I sent out a mass email to family and friends explaining what TN is and what MVD is…despite that some just don’t get it…but for the others it was educational, and they were so happy I had written it.
Ultimately no one really truly understands the pain of TN.
It’s important Pierre, that those closest to you have a good understanding of what you’re dealing with. I made my husband and daughters look at pictures and read Dr. Kaufmann’s (in Winnipeg) website.

You’re NOT wasting anyone’s time my friend…you have a very real debilitating condition.
All the best of wishes for your upcoming appointment with the Neurosurgeon!!
Are you going to Montreal, Ottawa or Toronto? Please let me know how it went!
Positive thoughts!! Mimi xx

Thank you all for your kind words. I will be seeing doctor Ronald Pokrupa in Kingston

Hello Pierre, I totally understand because I work retail as well. I have had to take a lot of time off this last 6 months for doctors appointments, but remember we have to anything we can to get out of this pain. Your management should be understanding.

Pierre, I am so sorry your family is unsupportive. My family is always so quick to point out "but you are much better right now" in the moments I don't have pain, and it always makes me feel like they are brushing off the pain I had three hours prior. It is really difficult for people to understand this, especially when we LOOK fine on the outside AND when we have moments when we are perfectly fine. I do hope that Mimi's link is helpful to you. I wish you the best of luck at your appointments. I am so sorry they are so far away :(. Keep us posted!

Yes thanks. Minis link was very helpful, I have bookmarked it for further reading.

((((((HUGS))))))) Sorry you're having to go through that with your family. Sometimes things like this make me wish everyone could have TN pain for just HALF a day to see what it felt like, then everyone would know and understand. It sounds like a terrible thing to wish, but if it would help EVERYONE understand it, then that would be a good thing, right? You know that we are all here and you have friends to vent to on this site. XXOO