Anyone Knowledgeable or Successful Getting Social Security Disability Benefits

I would like to know if you or anyone may know someone who suffers from TN and has been able to obtain social security disability benefits. I have read somewhere that the SSA does not have TN on their list of disabilities. Thank you for any answers or insight into this area. Kind regards, Michael

Some members have successfully attained SSDI for TN. Check the groups tab for the SS disability group. There are several discussions on there.

Thank you Shadow2.

You may want to retain a lawyer specializing in elder law to obtain Social Security disability benefits. "Elder" law doesn't necessary mean "aged" in this respect. Sometimes it is difficult to prove you need disability benefits. An attorney specializing in this area will know the ins & outs of obtaining these benefits. If you don't know of such a lawyer, you can contact your state bar for a list of attorneys who specialize in this area, or look online (as with everything these days).

Thank you Cindy Lou for taking the time and giving me some really good information. I am truly grateful for your kindness. Best of luck to you and God bless you

Hello CindyLou, over 12 years ago I took many of the same courses of action that you followed. I even had a root canal in desperation of finding the cause of my problem. I did not see an ENT doc but I saw many different specialists. It was not until I had an MRI of my brain that showed the real problem. I had a epidermoid cyst or mass at the lower Pons area of my brain. That caused the trigeminal pain in the left side of my face. I had so much pain that I lost any quality of life I ever had. Once I had an operation, that seemed to cure all the pain. I have lived pain free up until a couple of years ago ago. Then it only came once but in the past 6 months I have had two rounds of pain lasting for weeks/months. The TN pain has come back but this time around it is on the right side of my face. I recently had an MRI and I will be having my neurosurgeon review the images. The cyst was really never removed because it is involved with nerves in that area. The procedure is referred to as a debulking. Epidermoid cysts account for less than one half a percent of all brain tumors. It is a congenital abnormality.

Have you had an MRI? It could help in determining the cause of your pain.

You take care and please keep the faith.
